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The workers had no clue what they had found.

It was a strange statue, made entirely out of stone. Or so they thought.

Their radars went crazy whenever they were close to the statue, so they brought it to the one being who knew almost everything about everything.

The Overlord.

"Now why exactly have you decided to waste my time today?" He asked, obviously annoyed.

"Um... well... sir..." One of the workers stuttered.

"JUST GET ON WITH IT!" The Overlord yelled in a booming, echoing voice.

"This, uh, statue thing, is giving off some weird energy... thing." The worker trembled.

"Well, just, like, crack it open, I don't have all day, as I am sure you are well aware."

The worker pulled out a hammer and chisel, and proceeded to hit the statue with it, forcing the entire stone exterior to crumble to the ground.

And that was the last thing he ever did.

Where the worker was, there was now a flattened pile of clothing and equipment, lying beside a two story tall behemoth.

"Oh, well, that wasn't a waste of time after all, apparently." The Overlord stated with clear boredom, ready to annihilate this gargantuan being at a moment's notice.

The Vanguard coughed and coughed, releasing atleast half a ton of stone onto the floor, despite his lack of a mouth.

"...F...ree." The Vanguard talked, for the first time in forty-six years.

"Well, "Mister Free," you just murdered one of my top workers."

"Have you..." the Vanguard coughed up some more rubble. "Have you ever been trapped?"

"Men have tried, and they have been disintegrated, much to their dismay." The Overlord responded with a smug look on his face.

"I have been trapped in what some would consider Hell itself, for the past...fifty years or so."

"Wait, you're that one green guy, aren't you?" The Overlord inquired.

"Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?" The Vanguard had responded, a joke told to him by one of the Earth ones he had given refuge to.

"The green warlord whom I decimated the planet of for sheltering my mortal enemies."

"Depends who your mortal enemies are."

"The United Earth Command, a band of rabble who believe they can stop me using only primitive weaponry from their homeplanet, Earth."

"Then that would indeed be me, then, you putrid slime." The Vanguard started to... glow?

"That's funny, I don't remember you glowing-"

A massive, green explosion decimated the entire fortress in which the Overlord resided.

The very next week, the X-Faction introduced its newest member, the Vanguard, who was to serve under the Volt Union until he could prove himself further.


I was gonna make the corridor section where he is actually in the corridors longer but uh yeah for now he just goes on a killing spree i guess idk lol

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