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After his last mission, one of the only times in history a UEC base had been destroyed by the X-Faction, the Vanguard was quickly promoted to second in command of the Volt Union, second only to the Voltmaster himself.

Speaking of which, they were currently plotting a major scale attack on a UEC colony, a terraformed section of their planet's moon.

Unfortunately for the UEC, no member of the X-Faction actually had to breathe air to live, as the internal organs of beings from their galaxy replicated and cleansed the air they breathed in an internal process, requiring no actual intake of their respective atmospheres.

Voltmaster was to send a wave of Mages, Equinoxes, and Bolts to the frontlines, with a back row of Lavas to deplete their air supplies, a clever trick, the likes of which are the reason Voltmaster was such a great strategist in the first place.

However, the forces would not be alone, because a mercenary known as the Saber Champion, second in command of the Intergalactic Solar Command, had discovered an odd substance while doing a routine scan of a well-known independent planet.

The facility that his radar had tracked it to was heavily guarded, even more so than the UEC base holding the ninth Mirror, but this substance was far more lethal and rare than all of the Mirrors combined.

It was for this reason that the independent planet would become, well, colonised.

As in they were going to send a brutal onslaught of warriors and absolutely wipe the planet's population off the face of the universe. You know, diplomacy!

The Vanguard's Hammer fleet, which was now upgraded to as many as 42 offensive cruisers, was to join forces with the infamous Volt Union's "Thunderous Roar," an absolutely massive mothership of the entire Volt Union, to form a blockade around the planet, the Volt Union ship in question being large enough to house several ISC fleets aswell, to send infantry to the frontlines.

At this point, the combined forces of both the Volt Union and the Intergalactic Solar Command would be enough to make any man quake in his boots, not to mention that they thought this amalgamation of spacecraft was disposable enough to send after a singular substance a random scanner picked up.

Unfortunately, the natives of the world were quite advanced themselves, being a major trade and commerce planet.

But that mattered not.

As their defensive fleet launched from the planet's space station, they felt a wave of dread wash over them, somehow knowing, deep down, that this was to be their final battle.

The Hammer arrived, now boasting the aforementioned 42 assault cruisers, not to mention the various hundreds of other ships. Alone, this would disintegrate the native fleet in a matter of minutes, but the Thunderous Roar soon arrived, and reduced that to seconds.

The Thunderous Roar was the culmination of fear itself, wielding thousands of lightning-based weapons, such as chain lightning, thunderstrikes, and just plain really big cannons.

The small collection of defensive ships was quickly atomized by nine million volts of pure electricity.

As the assault cruisers bombarded the surface of the planet, cities and entire nations blazed in a fire so great it would be told of for millenia to come, as an example of how fearsome the X-Faction was. The infantry-carrying shuttles, which were already massive by themselves, soon left the great mothership and landed in the radius of the facility they were after in the first place.

Both the Vanguard and Saber Champion took the same shuttle, leaving almost no room for infantry, other than a few workers sent to collect the substance.

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