Chapter One - Rain

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It was raining outside and we had to go out. Chris' mom is in town, which is okay I guess. She always made Chris feel belittled, makes him feel the need to be kind and sweet to me around her, just like the way he used to be when we were teenagers. It's just when we get home, that's the worst bit. Anyway you'll see.

Chris had picked out a little black dress for me to wear for the dinner tonight. For once I could choose parts of my outfit. I picked out a simle bangle and a black pair of Louis Vuittons and put them down by my bed where the beautiful dress laid. I didn't want to push my new found freedom.

I took myself to the bathroom for a shower, one less thing for Chris to moan about. I ran the hot water and undressed myself before stepping into the glass cube and stepped under the cascading water. I stroked my hair with both hands to make sure it was wet before applying shampoo and conditioner.

I stepped out of the shower and wondered back to the bedroom to get myself ready. I walked through the already open door, which I was pretty sure I shut because Chris hates doors being left open, and looked up where I saw my boyfriend sprawled across the bed with my dress that he had quite clearly dropped on the floor with my heels scattered across the floor where he had chucked them. I sighed almost silently picking my dress up. I put on some laced panties and slipped the dress over my skinny frame as Chris watched. I hated it when he did that. I flipped my black curls over and towel dried them. "Are you not going to blow dry your hair?" Chris said with a hint of condescension, I rolled my eyes since my back was turned. "In a minute" I replied instantly regretting the pissed off tone in my voice. I quickly felt his prescence behind me which halted my breath, he grabbed my hip and swung my body around. Face to face he pushed me up to the cold wall and pinned me there for a second "How about now?" He growled in a deep dominating tone, I hated him sometimes. I nodded quickly with a little whimper in the back of my throat. "Thank you. You know I hate it when you make me put you back in your place" his tone softened as he pressed a kiss into the side of my neck, sucking on my skin for a moment until it stung and released me from his grasp so I could dry my hair.

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