Chapter Four - Stay With Me

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When I woke up I couldn't feel my Chris' arm over me, so turned my body around and inspected the empty bed beside me. I hated it when he would do this, it made me feel used and unwanted. But he's probably gone to work and didn't want to wake me.

I groaned as I grabbed my phone off of the bedside cabinet, great, 24 missed calls from Melissa and 37 texts. I sighed as I opened the messages and read through them, I chuckled when I read "Stop fucking he and come see me!!!!" I decided not to text back because, to be perfectly honest I didn't know what to say to her.

As I glanced back to my phone, removing my gaze from the ceiling, there was a text I really couldn't ignore. Aubrey's. "I'm sorry about what I said that night. Chris seems like a really nice guy, ya know if you got to get to know him." I rolled my eyes but the message continued "Anyway, hope you got home alright." and the text bluntly ended. Just like that. Again I didn't reply because I had no clue what to say to him. I grumbled cursing myself under my breath for being so awkward as I began running myself a bath. I brushed my teeth and tied my hair up so it wouldn't get wet. There was still no sign of Chris, which made my heart break just a little.

I undressed myself and lowered myself into the hot water before drifting into a stated of relaxant. My phone began ringing beside me and I lazily pulled my arm out of the water to answer it.


"Hey Robyn it's Aubrey" it sounded as if a small smile rose on his beautiful soft lips

"Hey" I smiled back

"Where's Chris??"

My heart stopped as I was reminded of his absence.

"He's in the bathroom" I lied

There was a moment of silence between us and finally I heard a slight laugh within an exhale of his breath in my ear, making goosebumps rise on the surface of my skin

"I know full well that since you picked up, he's not around"

How does he know these things?? I bit my lip as I thought up a response but I stayed silent for a minute too long.

"Robyn??" He paused

I bit my lip harder not wanting to reply but also because I wanted to reply, so so badly, but I just didn't have the words to say.

"Are you okay in that big house??..."

The conversation went dead once again

"All alone??" He added which made my lip begin to quiver

I shook my head in response, I wasn't okay in this house, especially not on my own. Chris left me, again not knowing where he is. I just need somebody to be here with me.

"Are you crying??"

I bit my lip harder trying not to make any sound

"Robyn don't cry. You know I hate it when you cry."

I let out a heavy, broken up and tearful sigh

"Ah shit, Robyn how can I stop you from crying??!"

"I'm fine" I said meekly

"Want me to come over?" He paused listening to me for any kind of response

"As your friend" he cleared his throat "obviously"

"Yes, please" I whispered biting a hold of my lip once again in attempts to stop it quivering.

I never cry, for fuck sake, what's up with me?? I guess this is all becoming too much. Me and Chris.

"I'll be right over!!" He then hung up swiftly

Fuck. What have I done?? Chris will kill Aubs when he find out. Then he's gonna kill me. Fuck sake Robs. I sighed as I began to wash my hair and body rather quickly before getting out and draping a towel around my torso.

After I was dressed I made my way downstairs to wait for Aubrey. I didn't know whether the feeling in my stomach was nervousness or excitement, either way it was extremely unnerving. Although I knew was, the way I was behaving, better fucking stop. I never cry, I never act like this. This is stupid typical girl behaviour.

I twisted myself around and saw a cab pull up outside the gates. A few minutes later Aubrey knocked on the door. My stomach flipped at the thought of Chris coming home and seeing Aubs but, to be fair, I didn't really care.

I answered the door and felt my stomach flipped furiously. "Hello princess" Aubrey smirked and I felt myself blush

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