Chapter 9: Maybe Not the Big Pointy Rock

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The sun rose over the savanna as Y/N, Timon, and Pumbaa continued on.

"Nants ingonyama"

"Okay, so now we're back at the beginning. Right, guys?" Pumbaa asked.

"Oh, you got that right, pally," Timon answered.

"That'd be correct," Y/N added.


"At last, things were looking up. Y/N and I had the sun on our shoulders, the wind at our heels, a song in our hearts," Timon narrated.

They looked behind them to see animals coming behind them, making them scream and run for cover until it was cleared.

"And to protect us, a great big fat guy," Timon declared.

Pumbaa then paused the movie and asked, "You really think I look fat?"

"Uh, Pumbaa, you're a pig. And I think he means it as a compliment," Y/N informed.

"That I do, my love," Timon stated, putting an arm around her and her smiling in response.

"Oh, thank you," Pumbaa thanked then played the movie again.

Timon and Y/N rode on Pumbaa as they came upon Pride Rock.

"It's the circle of life
And it moves us all"

"Whoo-hoo! There it is-the big pointy rock. Oh, baby, we're almost there," Timon cheered as Pumbaa ran for it.

They then gasped and Pumbaa skidded to a stop to see all the animals that surrounded the place.

"I think we're a little late," Pumbaa stated.

"It's a land rush. That loudmouth monkey. He must've blabbed it to the whole world," Timon remarked.

"What exactly did he say?" Pumbaa asked.

"'Look beyond what you see'," Y/N imitated Rafiki, making Timon chuckle lightly.

"So maybe you're supposed to look beyond the big pointy rock," Pumbaa suggested.

"Maybe I'm supposed to look beyond the big pointy rock," Timon repeated without knowing.

"Hmm?" Pumbaa and Y/N questioned.

"Well, let's have a little look, shall we?" Timon replied.

So they repeated the phrase until they spotted a little den with a couple of trees and puddle of water right next door.

"Oh ho! What do you know? The monkey's got an eagle eye for real estate!" Timon declared.

"Timon, look!" Y/N pointed out.

"He-he-hey! It's the monkey!" Timon exclaimed.

"What's that he's holding up?" Pumbaa wondered.

"Aw, who cares? It's not important," Timon shrugged off he and Y/N hopped off Pumbaa, then he urged, "Come on! Our dream home awaits."


A/N So Pride Rock is off the list. Let's see about this little patch of land.

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