Chapter 12: On the Trail Again

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The next morning, they were still asleep until Timon felt his arm around something and looked to see it was Y/N fast asleep, hugging him and her head on his chest. He smiled at the sight before closing his eyes again. But then music started playing above them, making the two meerkats wake up. Y/N then noticed their position and let go of him while blushing.

"S-Sorry, T," Y/N apologized.

"It's okay. But real quick, I'm gonna see if I can get them to stop," Timon responded, to which she nodded.

He then got up, grabbed a long stick, and went over with it as Pumbaa started waking up.

"Hey, keep it down up there!" Timon demanded, banging the top of the cave.

"We have neighbors? We should go say hello," Pumbaa suggested happily.

"Noisy neighbors. There go the property values," Timon groaned.

They all went out to see different animals, stacking each other into a tower while singing.

"Let's hear it in the herd and on the wing
It's gonna be King Simba's finest fling
Oh, I just can't wait to be king"

"Oh, perfect. We moved to the theater district. Get a load of these guys," Timon complained, went over to the bottom elephant, and demanded before hitting its leg with the stick, "Knock it off!"

"Just can't wait"

The tower of animals then started toppling over.

"Timon, look out!" Pumbaa and Y/N yelled as she grabbed him.

"To be king"

The tower of animals then fell over as they braced for impact and Y/N noticed one of the animals was on top of Timon.

"Oy. Phew. Show people," he groaned, blowing a bit of the tail hair from his face.

"Timon, you okay?" Y/N asked as she moved the butt of the animal a bit.

"Been better. We can't stay here," Timon decided as he got up.

"Kinda figured," she nodded.

They all then headed out for another potential home.

"Chin up, Pumbaa," Y/N said.

"Yeah," Timon responded, popped his neck, then said, "Whoa! Our dream home's around here somewhere."

"You know, guys, I once came across a place that might be just what you're looking for," Pumbaa informed.

"Care to explain, P?" Y/N requested.

"Glad to. Spectacular waterfalls, set in a lush tropicaI oasis, a scrumptious array of--" Pumbaa started to list.

"Hey, hey. Forget it, Pumbaa. I'm a realist, and Y/N and I aren't gonna go chasing after some fantasy. We're going beyond what we see," Timon interrupted, both meerkats getting off the warthog.

"But Timon, if we always go beyond what we see, how will we know when we're there?" Y/N pointed out.

"Oh, I'll tell you how I know. We're there!" Timon declared, gesturing behind them.

Pumbaa and Y/N looked and were shocked to see they were in an elephant graveyard.

"This is a lovely spot. Lovely, rustic, picturesque. Home, sweet home, Pumbaa. Mm-hmm. Home, sweet ho-" Timon said, fell through the tusk, then got up, laughing lightly while covered in cobwebs.

He then got up and dusted himself off.

"Timon, I'm not sure about this place," Y/N replied, hugging herself nervously.

"Well, sure, it needs a little work, but it's got good bones," Timon said while knocking on the bone, laughed lightly, then pointed out, "After all, this is an elephant graveyard and who would ever come to an elephant graveyard?"

Then they heard a growl, looked to see a lion, screamed, then hid in the elephant skull as the lion, Mufasa, ran past them.

"Sire, the hyenas are after the children!" Zazu informed as he flew after Mufasa.

Y/N, Timon, and Pumbaa peeked over to see Mufasa, fighting hyenas.

"I see carnivores," Timon and Y/N jinxed.

They then headed inside, but as they repeated "Beyond what you see", Y/N noticed Timon was laughing for some reason. Pumbaa noticed this as well as he hopped over rocks above steaming hot water.

'Uh, Timon? Would this be a bad time to bring up that little place I told you two about?" Pumbaa asked.

"Yeah. Besides, if he actually saw it, it can't be complete fantasy," Y/N added.

"Hey! This is home, sweet home, baby! Home-aaaah! Ow!" Timon stated while resting on a small geyser, exclaimed as it shot him up, then he said, "Ha ha! Steam! Ha ha! Steam is good. Steam is-is-is water. Whoo! Gotta have water. You know, for the dream home. Steam home, dream home. Steam, steam, steam."

Pumbaa and Y/N watched in concern as Timon propped himself on a rock.

"I am perfectly happy right here! It's remote, private, no unexpected visitors," Timon listed.

Then the area lit up and the three of them saw hyenas marching around.

"Somethin' tells me this ain't the traveling company of 'Riverdance'," Y/N commented.

They then looked at each other before river dancing out of there.


A/N to the elephant graveyard? Just checking. Back to it.

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