Chapter 33: Defeating the Hyenas and Scar

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Ma and Uncle Max then joined the trio.

"I need help. It didn't work," Max told them.

"Hey, it works for me," Banzai said.

The hyenas laughed as they started heading back to them threateningly.

"What are we going to do?" Ma asked.

Timon's mind raced when he saw a big enough hole in the ground under Shenzi, knowing what he had to do. He then quickly hugged Y/N, catching her off guard a bit.

"Y/N, I love you," he confessed.

"What?" she asked.

Timon then took off for the hole.

"Timon, no!" Ma and Y/N shouted.

When he leapt in, Shenzi tried to get him, but he escaped and ran to fix the problem.

"Let's get 'em," Banzai said, making Uncle Max hug Ma.

Timon then made it and tackled the stick as Shenzi leapt in the air to take them out. But once she landed, she and the other hyenas fell into the trap and through a tunnel to the bottom of Pride Rock. Then they all saw Simba flip Scar over the edge of Pride Rock, him landing hard on the ground.

"I'd say Scar is down and out," Pumbaa declared.

"We did it! We did it!" Max cheered.

"Where's Timon? Where's my baby? He's hurt! Oh, no! Oh, no! He's dead! Or worse!" Ma panicked as she threw Max to the side and brought Pumbaa to the ground, then yelled as Timon came back up, "We got to find him! We've got to find him!"

"It's okay, Ma," Timon assured until Ma grabbed him.

"Oh, please. It is not okay! Don't you tell me it's okay!" Ma shouted as she shook him around and popping something of his, realized he was right in front of her, then said happily, "Timmy!"

She then hugged him tight, happy to have her son back.

"My son...the hero," Ma told him, cupping his face.

She then went to fix his hair, but stopped remembering how he felt about it.

"You missed a spot," Timon told her.

She smiled and dusted his head and him off.

"That's so beautiful," Max cried, hugging Timon's neck tight.

"Choking. Not breathing," Timon strained.

When Uncle Max let him go, Timon turned his attention to Y/N, who was crying with a smile. He approached her and they hugged, her sobbing into his shoulder.

“I’m here, Y/N,” Timon assured.

“Just don’t scare me like that ever again,” Y/N said, parting from the hug and looking at him.

“I promise,” he nodded.

"And I love you too," she told him, making him smile.

They kissed as they continued to hold each other. Pumbaa, Ma, and Uncle Max smiled at the sight.

Then it started to rain and Simba was about to head up to take his place as King. He then looked and smiled at Timon, Y/N, and Pumbaa, who bowed to him respectfully when Simba dove in with a hug for them.

"I couldn't have done it without you guys," Simba smiled.

They then parted and he went up before Rafiki bowed to him and Simba hugged him.

"It is time," Rafiki told him.

Then Simba started making his way up Pride Rock.

"That's our boy," Pumbaa said.

"It sure is," Y/N nodded proudly.

"Ohh, I promised myself I wasn't going to cry," Timon replied, his voice cracking.

He sobbed into Y/N's shoulder as she put an arm around him in comfort when Simba roared proudly, making them all smile at this. Ma and Uncle Max soon joined them in sharing this moment with them. Ma then smiled at Y/N and Timon, who were holding hands.

"You've really come a long way, you two. Did you find what you were looking for?" Ma wondered.

"We found a place that was beyond our wildest dreams, but it still wasn't home," Y/N answered.

"Let's go home, Ma," Timon said, taking her hand.


A/N Time to go to your home!

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