Chapter 7: Looking Beyond What They See

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Timon was just walking along when he felt someone tackle him to the ground. He struggled a bit against them until he saw who it was.

"Y/N?" Timon questioned.

"Surprise," Y/N smirked.

"You trying to give me a heart attack or something?" he asked.

"Well, I would apologize, but you left without including me on your quest. First off, it could be dangerous and I'm not losing my best friend. Second, as much as I love your mom, I'm not staying there in a place I don't like with other meerkats who I don't get along with," she explained, getting up at the end.

"Well, that explains why you're here," Timon commented then added as she helped him up, "But for the record, I knew if Ma told you, you would do this."

"So you were expecting me," Y/N guessed.

"I didn't expect you tackling me, but technically yes, I did," he pointed out.

"Fair enough. So let's get going," she suggested.

They then headed out as it started to get later in the day.

"And so with high spirits, Y/N and I boldly ventured off where no meerkat had dared to go before. We put our past behind us-ha! And never looked back," Timon said as the movie continued.

It was then at night when Timon and Y/N started missing Ma, so they ended up crying and hugging.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Timon called, bawled his eyes out, then asked as they went to their knees, "What are we doing?"

"Which way should we go?" Y/N added.

"That depends on what you think," a monkey, Rafiki, told them from above them.

They jumped back when the movie paused.

"How convenient. Enter omniscient monkey, right on cue," Timon commented.

"Well, you know what they say," Pumbaa started.

"When the student is ready, the teacher appears?" Y/N guessed.

"Exactly," Pumbaa answered, high-fiving her.

"That's it. No more fortune cookies for either of you," Timon decided.

"No fair," Y/N remarked before he played the movie.

"Hey, where'd you come from?" Timon asked.

Rafiki laughed then wondered, "Oh, the better question is, where are you two going?"

"Oh, someplace wonderful, mister, where..." Timon began.

"You didn't happen to catch the song he sang a few minutes ago, did you?" Y/N asked.

"I didn't have the pleasure," Rafiki answered.

"To recap, we want to live in some beautiful place outside, a carefree place where we don't have to hide or worry," Timon explained.

"Oh yeah. That sounds good," Y/N agreed.

"Whoo! Hoo hoo hoo!" Rafiki laughed as he joined them then said as he leaned against his stick, "Life without worry. You seek hakuna matata."

"Harpoon a tomato?" Timon asked.

Y/N giggled then told him, "I think he said 'hakuna matata'."

"Correct. It means 'No worries'," Rafiki replied.

"Perfect. Mind taking that stick of yours and drawing us a map, bub?" Timon requested, got hit on the head with the stick, then exclaimed, "Ow! Hey!"

"You okay?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah," Timon nodded as he rubbed his head.

"To find it, you must look beyond what you see," Rafiki whispered in a meditating pose.

"What the heck is that supposed to mean?" Timon asked until he was turned around.

"It means look beyond what you see," Rafiki repeated.

"Beyond what we see. Ha. Get a load of the monkey getting all existential on us," Timon chuckled.

"Well, let's try it. What have we got to lose?" Y/N pointed out.

"Alright," Timon sighed then said as soft music played, "Beyond what we see."

They looked to see a frog, resting on a rock in the middle of a puddle.

"Hmm. Beyond what we see," Y/N repeated as the music got louder.

They then looked over to see a sharpened tree stump.

"Beyond what we see," Timon did the same as the music was louder.

They then looked further to see a full grown tree.

"It's kind of hard to think with all this music," Y/N said.

"Little bit," Timon agreed, the music stopping.

"Beyond...what we see," Y/N stated.

They then saw Pride Rock as a chorus vocalized.

"Oh, wait a second," Timon exclaimed, getting excited.


"It's coming to us," Timon replied.


"I'm loving this!" Y/N cheered, jumping up and down.


"It's either that slug I ate or I'm having an epiphany!" Timon declared.

Vocalization with a key change.

"We're going to the big pointy rock!" Timon declared then asked as they turned to face Rafiki, "Right?"

But he was gone.

"What the--?" Y/N questioned.

"Who was that strange monkey?" Timon wondered.

"Beats me," she shrugged.

"Ah, well. Dream home, here we come," he stated and they were off again.


A/N Big pointy rock, huh? Sounds like a good place to stay.

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