Leather Kisses. 16

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Destiny had just slapped me in the face.

I had done everything right, as I obediently followed the path it paved for me, only to end up here. Never in my life had I ever been sent to the principal's office. Never in my life had I ever gotten in trouble.

I guess there's a first time for everything.

The sacred security video tape began to slip from the hold of my sweatshirt. I couldn't let Principal Werner take the tape away from me. I couldn't let him watch it. This matter was to be handled by the high court of law, not by the school. The administration at Oxford High could not replace an honorable judge and his righteous jurors. It wouldn't be lawful, and it couldn't be substituted. If Principal Werner got his hands on that tape, the case would automatically fall into his hands. I couldn't let that happen.

Keeping my head bent low, I discreetly tucked the tape into the waistband of my jeans.

"Keep walking, Miss Jennings," Principal Werner urged, as I tried to picked up the pace.

After a walk that seemed to go on forever, we reached the main office. Jimmy and I were thrown into principal's private office, where we anticipated our doom.

"Jimmy, what the hell did you do?" I sneered, as soon as Principal Werner left us for a brief moment.

"What did I do?" Jimmy retorted, leaning over the arm of his chair. "I didn't do anything wrong. This is your fault!"

"It's not my fault you got caught by the security guard!"

"Enough!" Principal Werner boomed as he entered his office. Jimmy and I both slumped back in our chairs as the principal took his seat behind the large oak desk that glared at us. "I am extremely disappointed and disgusted by both of your behavior. Two of the brightest students in school are sitting in my office. Think of the example you two are setting for the rest of the student body."

"Sir . . . I don't think I deserve to be here. This is Riley's fault, not mine. I didn't break any rules," Jimmy said, throwing me under the bus.

"Mr. Yeens, when you were appointed student technician, you took an oath. By allowing an unaccredited student to enter a restricted area on your behalf, you broke that oath. For that, you will have one week of lunch detention, as well as be reviewed by the administration, who will reconsider your initiation as student technician," Principal Werner informed, causing Jimmy to groan loudly. "However, you are correct. The issue rests with Miss Jennings here, not you. So you may leave."

Jimmy, who obviously was alarmed by the situation, quickly grabbed his backpack and left the room. Principal Werner took a moment to glower at me, his eyes burning with displeasure.

"Miss Jennings, I can't help but admit that I'm utterly surprised by this."

"You aren't the first one to be . . ." I muttered under my breath, referring to Mr. Richards.

"What was that?" Principal Werner asked, even though I knew he heard me loud and clear.

I shook my head. "Nothing."

"Right. Anyway, I can't seem to wrap my head around this. Miss Jennings, you have perfect attendance, stellar grades, and a clean record. Breaking into the security room and tampering with school property just doesn't sound like something you would do."

Of course not. Because for twelve school years, I've been Riley fucking Jennings.

As the entire public school system sees it, Riley Jennings can't do anything wrong, because she's perfect! She's the golden child. She would never break a school rule, get a bad grade, or disobey her parents. Well, Riley Jennings is sick and tired of it. She's sick and tired of doing what everybody wants her to do. She's exhausted from trying to be the best, trying to fit into her perfect stereotype. Her frustration has continued to build, until now, where she wants to be her.

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