Leather Kisses. 26

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Youtube Video - For those who have/will be hit by Irene, this one's for you <3 


"Where are we?" 

"Foreman's Factory's Garage," Dean answered, walking towards the dark abyss. "It closed down years ago." 

"Cool," I whispered.  

Dean sat in one of the empty parking spots, with the number 58 labeled on it, so I sat down next to him. I didn't dare ask why we were here, but Dean seemed to read my mind. 

"This is where my father used to work . . . before it closed down," he paused. "And this is where he died."   

I held my breath in my lungs. This was the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth. No more questions, assumptions, or conclusions to be made.

"Shit, I'm so sorry Dean," I sympathized, because I didn't know what else to say.  

Dean shivered slightly. "It's okay. It was a long ago, but it still really hurts." 

"I'm so sorry," I repeated, lightly massaging his shoulder.  

"Alex doesn't want me telling you this, but you deserve to know," he croaked. "My father was one of founders of the gang my brother and I are currently in. He led the Black Knights a really long time, up until I was the age of thirteen. But he became distracted, and started to focus more on other aspects of his life. And that became his downfall. He received threats from rival gangs about some risky business the gang had been involved in, but he didn't pay close enough attention, until it was too late . . . they came here one night, and waited in the shadows of this very parking spot. He didn't know. Just as he was about to approach his car, they shot him dead." 

"Oh God . . ." I whimpered, hit with the weight of the world. And one by one, the cracks in the wall between us started to grow, causing the structure to crumble.  

"My brother took over, and I joined the gang as well. At the time, I didn't mind the trouble it caused me. It felt good to be . . . reckless, and I was able to channel my anger through it. But after I met you, I didn't feel as though it was worth it anymore. I didn't need the low life bums I called my brothers . . . I just needed you. And that's why my brother hates you." 

I crinkled my eyebrows, trying to process all of this at one time. My head was spinning because of everything I had just learned, but somehow I felt closer to Dean.  

"Because . . . I stole you away from him?"

Dean shook his head. "No, no that's not it at all! He's afraid I'm going to follow in my father's path. He's afraid that you'll be a distraction, and I'll become careless and well . . . you know, lose myself. Especially now, when Blake and his buddies are provoking us." 

I took deep gulps of air, trying to steady my breathing. I pulled my knees to my chest, and wrapped my arms in a cradle. Too much was hitting me at once. The tragedy of his father's death, the drive for his brother's hate.

"Can't you leave the gang?" I asked, indicating to the solution of all of Dean's problems.

"Technically, I could. But too much of my life has been absorbed into it. Once a Black Knight, always a Black Knight," Dean mumbled, before taking my hands. "Look, Riley, I know this is a lot and I don't expect you to understand. I just . . . I couldn't leave tonight without you knowing everything." 

I looked up at him with trembling, frazzled eyes. He looked so strong, so focused, so determined. He pulled me in closely to him, in an attempt to comfort me through all of this.  

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