Leather Kisses. Epilogue

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*Eighteen Months Later* 

For once, I could finally say that my life was relatively normal. Once Blake was out of the picture, everything in my life fell into place.

My father, Dean, and Blake all went to trial six months later. It was weird being un-involved and on the other side for once. But I helped out as much as I could. Both of them worked long and hard, and did whatever it took to make sure that Alex Marks did not die in vain. An innocent life was lost, but a guilty man would be punished.

After a month long trial, Blake Salato was officially charged with second-degree murder and order at least twenty five years in prison. 

God only knows where he is now. I only hope that wherever he is, he drops the soap in the shower.

My mother eventually accepted reality, accepted that Dean was a much better guy than Blake was, and most of all, accepted me. My brother not only forgot about Blake, but also considers Dean as his idol now. My father received so much publicity and recognition from winning the case that he was able to open his own law firm.

As for Dean . . . his life took a similar turn down the right path. After his brother died, the Black Knights officially broke up, allowing Dean to leave that part of his tainted past behind and focus on his future. 

Together, we survived the rest of high school, and encountered only the kind of problems that average teenagers faced. Lucy forgave me after I told her everything. Of course, she was mad for hiding so much from her but ultimately she understood. Throughout senior year, we even went on a few double dates.

As I slowly reminisced about my high school years -- the good and the bad -- I tapped my pencil and miserably tried to capture the essence of my experiences into words. After all, I had been a lot. How could a mere 500-word speech communicate all of that without droning on or sharing too much? The task seemed impossible. But as I had proven last year, nothing was impossible.

* * *

This is it, Riley, the voice in my head encouraged. The moment you've waited years for. Your time to shine. 

"And now, a word from our valedictorian," Principal Werner announced. "Riley Jennings." 

A roar of applause from the audience filled with family members filled my ears as I wobbled to my feet. I felt a bead of sweat form at my forehead as I approached the podium; I had never been very good at public speaking, and the gown I was wearing was unbearably hot.

"Hi everyone," I muttered into the microphone, hearing my voice echo through the gym. "Thank you all for coming . . ." I paused, looking over at my fellow classmates in their seats, scanning for Dean's warm face.

When I found him smiling up at me, I continued. "The past four years I have spent here at Oxford High have been . . . interesting. You could say there was never a dull moment, and I think everyone in my class can say the same. High school has not just been a place of learning, but a place of adventure and growth. I know that I am not the same person I was when back when I was freshmen. 

Here, we have learned about inverse functions and quantum theories, things that don't really matter. But we have also learned about things that do matter, like individuality and strength. I can say that I graduate prepared for the real word, prepared to face real world problems, and prepared to face all odds. I can say that I leave Oxford High, grateful for what it has done for me. I am proud to say that I'm ready to take the next step in my life, head on, without fear. I can overcome anything that comes my way . . . just like all of you can."

The echo of my last words was muffled out by the applause and cheers it had caused. I went back to my seat and beamed with satisfaction. Not much long after, my graduating class took that ceremonial walk, gathered our well-earned diplomas, threw our caps in the air, and celebrated. 

I made the rounds, starting with my parents and working my way back. I was stopped along the way to be congratulated and praised. I thanked them each time, then pushed my way on, finally reaching my destination. Dean threw his arms around me and lifted me off the ground. I kissed him deeply, and never felt so happy. His mother came over to us, and sent her regards. 

"My baby boy is all grown up," she teased, pinching her son's cheek. "Attending Berklee College of Music and everything. I'm so proud," she exclaimed with a bright tone, ignoring the fact that she had tears in her eyes. "Take care of him."

"I will," I replied, chuckling lightly. I felt equally as proud as she did. I watched as this slacker who was deemed to go nowhere turned his life around, worked his butt off, and followed his passion. 

"Dean said you'd be in Boston with him, but he didn't tell me where you were going," she said, nudging Dean in the arm. "Let me guess . . . Harvard?" 

I shook my head, and resisted the urge to roll my eyes. If I had a nickel for every time somebody made that assumption, I'd have enough to pay for my college tuition. 

"Boston College . . . not Ivy League, but just as good," I announced, proud at that very fact alone. 

I had defied the expectations everyone had for me, done it my way, and everything turned out just fine The same applied to Dean as well. Before, we both suffered from the same unfortunate, miserable destiny. The strength to change that destiny always rested inside of us, but we needed each other to release our inner fortitude.

The power of love and support can do extraordinary things, bring out the best and worst in us, release our inner thoughts and dreams, and most of all, beat all odds. You can't fight love once it's been found, you can't hold back when your only option is to move forward, you can't make changes if you don't take risks, and you can't live life with a moment of regret. 

I learned this the hard way, I learned this through trial and error. I learned this because a strange, mysterious boy waltzed into my life, gave me hope and gave me strength, and changed my life forever. 

* * * 

WAHHHH it's over. 

I'm really sad. I've written a lot of stories (some on here, some on Quizilla) but this by far has been my absolute favorite. I'm sad to see it come to an end, because I love the storyline, I love the messsage, and I love the characters.

Thank you all for being so supportive, and dedicated to this story. I couldn't have done it without you guys. Now, I'm going to stop ranting before I start crying <3 I don't know what I'm going to do with my life now, what I'm going to write in class instead of taking notes, what I'm going to sit on my bed and day dream about! HAHAH. Not kidding.. I hope you all stay loyal even though this story is over, and I hope you pick up another piece of my work and enjoy it as much as you have enjoyed this.

Much love, forever writexmusic.

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