Walking on water

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Jefferson teetered, although the water was a solid surface, the device didn't cease its movement. It was tough work dodging the crashing waves in time to not get your foot trapped underneath them. The Doctor seemed to make quick note of this, and kept in place as best as possible to wait for Jefferson while holding out a hand. Almost dancing across the tumultuous sea, they reach the doctor an eagerly take his hand.
"Right!" The Doctor shouted over the wind. He clasps onto Jefferson's hand almost out of reassurance for himself, and tugged them towards the creature. Even amidst the growing storm the mass didn't budge, save for a slow and steady rise and fall that simulated breathing. It was hard to notice even from the docks, but now drawing nearer to the false mountains base it was clearer to spy against the newly falling burst of rain.
"What do we do now?" Jefferson shouted over the wind at The Doctor.
"I don't know," he shouted back "talk to it. See what it wants. What it's here for," he continued loudly over the near roar of the weather.
"Me?" Jefferson exasperated.
"No!" The Doctor cried obstinately, "I'll talk to it. But you've got to wake it up!"
Jefferson looked bewildered at the Doctor then up at the heaving black mass rising from a storm in the ocean.
"I don't feel it looking at me!" They yelled.
"Well then wake it up!" The Doctor frustratedly yelled back. Fear coursed through Jefferson's frame as they planted themselves once more, dark eyes locked on the monster.
"Wake up you egg headed blighter!" They screamed. The mass didn't stir. "Hey listen to me!" The winds whipped and the tides turned in a frenzy. Three whirlpools formed right underneath the monster, bucking the two off balance. The water acted like a conveyer belt, carrying the pair closer to its spiraled center.
"Doctor!" Jefferson cried, catching on to the grim circumstance.
"Hang on!" The Doctor shouted back, and wove his device over the water again. With a quick buzz the water seized and relaxed, dissolving the whirlpools and the solidity. Jefferson crashed into the calming waters, bobbing from the life vest wrapped around their torso. They kicked furiously, turning to see The Doctor struggling immensely. Panicking, Jefferson spat out a mouthful of water and started to swim to him.
"Hey!" They screamed, just as The Doctor's head submerged. A faint blue light glimmered below the surface, then faded. "Doctor!" Jefferson shrieked. The waters immediately began spiraling once more, tugging them to a similar fate. Splashing, they threw their head back to face the monster. "Wake UP!" They boomed hoarsely, "WAKE UP! WAKE UP! AHHHHHHH!"
Suddenly the waters receded and a deep, groaning rumble echoed from deep below the waves. The mass began rising.

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