Wake up

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A wave of water threw Jefferson back. Quickly surging towards the clouded sky, the monster kept rising and rising. Coughing and spluttering, Jefferson thrashed around searching for their new companion.
"Docht-or!" They cried, hacking. Salt water burned the back of their throat. Suddenly a familiar whirring sound was heard behind themselves. The TARDIS began materializing about 20 feet before the soaring monster, flashing it's light upon the heaving body. Jefferson was finally able to see its coal black leathery hide, and was horrified that there was no end to it. The small hill they were viewing had only changed in height look . The hulking creature kept growing taller, a smooth black mound girthing to now thirty stories above the waves. Paddling as best they could Jefferson made their way to the TARDIS. The blue door opened with a creak, and the Doctor stood in the doorframe, dampened by his swim. A wave of relief washed over Jefferson, then a wave of seawater. It carried them nearer to the TARDIS, bobbing right underneath the Doctor's line of vision.
"Help!" Jefferson yelled, trying to get the Doctor to avert his glowering gaze at the monster. He swiveled his head and continued his hard stare on Jefferson. Their stomach dropped as he whipped out his device and flashed it at them, the water now pulling them down.

Jefferson bleated a shrill scream before the water's clasped together over their head. Fully submerged and furiously kicking, Jefferson clutched their life vest. They should have stayed home. They should've gone back inside and watched their favorite TV show. They should've ignored the light in the driveway. Conflicted feelings bubbled and welled inside them. Their lungs began screaming for air, Jefferson fought not knowing which way was up or down. Finally the stale air escaped their lips, and panic seized their body, contracting their lungs. Had they been on land tears would be seen streaming down Jefferson's face as they felt their body attempt to take a breath without being able to control it. Their thoughts flickered towards their family and siblings they would never see again... an enormous breath of fresh cool air inflated their lungs. Choking in surprise, Jefferson spluttered as they were being pulled down faster. A faint bit of moonlight spilled into the sea, revealing the black mass of the monster had continued directly underneath themselves. That's when an enormous eye opened.

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