Staring contest

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Jeffie's eyes open and they gasp, doubling over and heaving. Clutching the dry life vest fastened around their torso, they stare into the open space below them until their tattered gray tennis shoes came into focus. A firm hand is placed on their shoulder, helping prop them up. It was the Doctor, standing beside them on the dock, dry as well. Jeffie whipped their head to look at the creature in the water, and saw nothing but undisturbed boats floating lazily tied to their posts.
"It's alright, I've got you," The Doctor reassures, grabbing onto their shoulders and resettling them into a standing position. "You were mind-linked with the creature, and for a nasty while at that. It's been keeping you trapped inside a double consciousness for a few months now. I've managed to separate you but it had to have been a surprise so the creature wouldn't know and unlink you taking your consciousness with it." The Doctor shined their device light back and forth between Jeffie's eyes, revealing a glistening pair of brown eyes, tears springing from their whites. "What's your name?" The Doctor asks gently.
"Jeffie. Jeffie Beeley," Jeffie gasps.
"Alright Jeffie, this is going to be overwhelming but I need you to trust me so we can safely unlink you. We're going to walk back to the TARDIS, do you remember where I parked?" He asks as he's hoisting them up under one of their arms to help them walk. Jeffie nods.
"On the beach," they answer.
"That's it! Right on the beach, allon-sy!" Carefully they march together, retracing their steps and snaking their way through the docks. When they reached the metal bridge, Jeffie looked up at the TARDIS in the near distance. A lone figure was standing just to the side of it. A feeling of dread poured over Jeffie, one that can only be felt when you suspect some hidden person or thing is watching you. The Doctor didn't tense, but continued carefully fussing, taking cautious steps while looking down at Jeffie. As they stepped off the bridge, Jeffie blinked and found themselves standing perpendicularly in front of the TARDIS, staring at an almost exact copy of themselves. The other Jeffie was in their same outfit, just sans life jacket, but when Jeffie looked down under their chin they saw their life vest had disappeared.
"I was worried about that," The Doctor muttered. "It's trying wake you up."
"Doctor, I'm asleep aren't I?" Jeffie asked solemnly.
"Yes," the Doctor confirmed, "and we have to ask it why it wants you before you wake up, or you'll stay attached."
"And then I won't wake up," Jeffie said gravely.
The Doctor stared at them hard again, but this time with softer eyes and locking his jaw.
"That won't happen. C'mon! Let's have a chat," he held out his hand to Jeffie. With a nod, they take both his hand and brave steps forward.

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