Chapter 17 - Back to Hogwarts

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Y/n's POV

I returned to my consciousness and tried getting up. I was still having of a vague memory of the event that took place earlier. "Hey! Y/n!" someone called me, I looked up. It was Harry. "Are you alright? Where the hell have you been?"

"In search of you but then I-I lost consciousness."

"Huh?" the trio glanced at me.

"Yes, and I saw a man. Probably a death eater and guys, he conjured the dark mark!"

"Yeah we know! Harry saw the man too, he says" Hermione clarified. Mr Weasley came behind them, "We found you, Merlin's beard!"

"You're fine, right?" Harry looked at me, worriedly I nodded, "Yes. I'm glad you didn't get lost."

Time skip

We boarded the Hogwarts express, chose the compartment and the four of us got seated. "Ah finally, the Hogwarts express. We're going home!" I said.

"Anything from the trolley dears?" Instantly, Harry and Ron got up. Ron being the foodie he is, bought almost everything he wanted. Unexpectedly, instead of Harry's voice. I heard someone else's. "Two pumpkin pastries, please." It was Cho Chang, the only girl who Harry had been probably crushing on since the mid of last year. They stared at each other, blushing and smiling, and I just glared in their direction. "Feeling jealous, I see?" Hermione spoke up distracting me. "Sorry?"

"You're jealous of them?" she pointed at Harry and Cho. I denied it immediately, "NO. Why why would I be jealous?"

"You know there are numerous reasons which make me think Harry is your crush, and this is simply just one of them."

I rolled my eyes. Harry seated, lost in wonder. "Please Hermione!" I hushed and whispered, "see he's still drooling over her l, and I'm, just. Not. Jealous!"

"No really you two look good together" Hermione hush-exclaimed.

"Who looks good together?" Harry asked giving us both a jump scare. I and Hermione exchanged glances. Ron was busy sleeping, so there are least chances he would've heard us talking. "Um." I panicked, "HERMIONE AND RON!" "What?" Ron got up hearing his name that loud, and Hermione just was confused. "I was just telling her that they look good together."

"But I suppose-"

"Y/n. You. Are. A. Terrible. Friend" Hermione uttered before Harry could speak. She now focused herself on the Daily Prophet. "But I suppose," Harry resumed without even being asked, "she was telling you look good with someone else."

"No, she was just repeating my words. Isn't It Hermione?"

There was a pause.


"That's horrible!" Hermione cried out

"What happened?" the three of us asked.

"How can the ministry not know who conjured the dark mark? Wasn't there any security?"

"Loads, according to dad." Ron said while he started eating his candies. "That's why they're so worried, because it happened under their noses."

Harry brought his fingers to his forehead, and felt his scar.

"It's hurting again, isn't it? Your scar?" I asked Harry.

He replied, "I'm fine."

"You know Harry, I guess dad would like to hear it out from you about this incident, like what you saw and what happened in the World Cup, and your dream, that you told us about earlier" I suggested him. Yes, he did tell us about his dream, the dream about Voldemort.

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