Chapter IV- Dinner

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"And this is my mother's rose garden," I finished, gesturing to the many different roses behind me. Most of which were either white or black. I clasped my hands together in front of me. "Any rooms or locations I haven't shown you are off limits," I stated monotonously.

The only responses I got from the phantoms were some head tilts, tilts of acknowledgement I suppose. The feminine one, the dining hall one, the tall one, and the muscular one were the ones to answer. The other two remained emotionless.

I sighed and began to walk away. I heard footsteps follow me and I saw Adonis right beside me again. "Thank you for showing us around, it has truly been a pleasure. You have a lovely home," he smiled cheerfully.

I've begun to wonder if he had any other emotions aside from happiness. "You're welcome. Dinner is at-" I cut myself off as I paused my step. I turned behind me and saw two rows of the phantoms. I exhaled. "Do they always follow people?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow at Adonis.

He chuckled, facing me. "Only you and I," he responded. What he said confused me, I didn't understand why they'd follow me.

I continued walking. "Why me?" I asked simply.

He caught up to me and gave me one of his charming smiles again. "You are the reason any of us are here now. We are eternally grateful to you," he explained in an almost excited tone.

I gazed at him. "I could see them before, how much of a difference is this?" I continued.

He gave me a look, one that could either be defined as hurt or... I don't know. He didn't seem like the type to get insulted so easily. "They could not be felt or heard. You were the only on that could see them," he admitted. I could hear it in his voice just how much he actually cared for the large group.

I hummed, nodding my head. It made sense. I felt a little bad for the phantoms. Ugh, I can't keep calling them that. It was awful. And besides that, they'd have to have names so my parents didn't get suspicious of them. ... What am I thinking? I can't trust them. They lied to my parents. I wonder what this supposed "tragedy" was. They're supposed to be dead, not here, walking with me.

When we got to the gates of the garden I turned towards them and cleared my throat. "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have matters to attend to. Dinner will be at six," I informed. I glanced over each of them one last time before my eyes connected with one in the front. It was the feminine one. We stared until I tore my eyes away and began to walk away.


I was preparing a dress to wear for dinner when there was a knock on my door. I tossed my robe on and opened it. There I saw one of the phantoms. The one I saw in the dining hall.

I opened the door wider in surprise. "Oh hello," I greeted him. He tilted his head and held his hand out to me. I looked at his head in confusion. "I uhm- are you asking to escort me to dinner?" I questioned curiously. He nodded. I glanced around the hallway. "I'm not done getting ready, but you can wait inside," I said, opening my door to him and moving out of the way.

He stepped inside and clasped his hands together. I stared at him for a moment before I grabbed my dress and took it to my bathroom. I slid out of my robe once inside and let it fall to the floor. I pulled my petticoats on before adding my corset and beginning to tie it. I then put my skirt and top pieces in place.

I left my hair how it was and placed a black headdress atop it. It had black beads and roses. Finally, I slid my feet into some black flats with rose-patterned lace. I looked at myself in the mirror and decided that I looked alright.

I opened the door to my room to see the phantom standing next to my window, staring outside. He was still in the same pose as when I last saw him though. Upon hearing my steps enter the room again, he looked at me.

I walked towards him and he turned to face me with his arm out. I hesitated before taking it in my arm, locking our limbs together. With that we made our way out my room, down the halls-which was when I got to see him gazing around at all the decor- and down the flights of stairs.

When we made it to the dining hall my parents eyed the two of us and I suddenly felt anxious. At the sight of their glares boring into my eyes, I pulled my arm away from the phantom and walked to my seat across from my mom.

I gave them each an apologetic look. I stared down at the table, playing with my hands in my lap. I heard the doors open and I glanced up to see the rest of the phantoms entering and seating themselves. Adonis was the last to come in and he took the seat straight across from my father.

My eyes widened a tad. No one ever sat there out of respect for my father. Adonis only smiled and narrowed his eyes at my dad. My parents were startled too, but my dad quickly composed himself.

He laid his elbows on the table before snapping his finger. Maids soon flooded the room and began serving everyone dinner. "So! Will you be joining us at church tomorrow, seeing as it is Sunday?" He said almost tauntingly towards Adonis.

The raven haired man was unaffected by the words. He laughed it off. "I do apologize, but my friends and I have some business to attend to tomorrow, I'm afraid we cannot join you," he answered politely.

My father narrowed his eyes at that. I bit my lip, but he simply chuckled and took a bite of his steak. "Well then, maybe next time," he stated.

I glanced at Adonis who only smirked like it was a joke. I was sure that none of them would never step foot into a church.

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