Chapter XVII- Suffer Little Children

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To be honest, I zoned out in the middle of writing this and thought I was reading it instead. Lack of sleep I suppose. Anyways, enjoy.

My parents were returning today. I was not ready. It was so much fun without them here. It was like a breath of fresh air. No, it was a breath of fresh air. But they would be coming back soon and I absolutely dreaded it.

For now, however, I sat with Adonis outside in the garden. He always looked so peaceful and calm. I felt myself staring at him for a while. He was watching the birds dance in the air. I suppose he felt my stare as he turned to me with his usual charming smile. My face heated up in embarrassment.

He chuckled at me. "The phantoms have told me that you've given most of them names. They're quite happy with them," he said. His eyes searched my face, scanning across it.

My cheeks were definitely red by now. I nervously chuckled and glanced away. "I'm glad," I stated truthfully. "To be honest, it's much easier to speak with them, knowing that I have something to call them," I explained.

His smile widened. "They have never had names before so they are very grateful for them now," he commented.

I was confused by that. "I never got close with them before?" I questioned. It was a puzzling thought. He simply shook his head. I hummed, a little surprised by his response. "Strange. They're all so nice and caring towards me. I wonder why I never got to know them before," I said, mostly to myself. I saw Adonis look at me fondly.

We were quickly interrupted by one of the maids walking up to me and bowing. "Kikimora, your parents have arrived and are awaiting your presence," she stated animatedly.

I stood up, dusted off my dress, and looked at Adonis with a small frown. "Well, I'll see you later, thank you for joining me out here. Goodbye," I declared. I quickly followed the maid inside, feeling the raven haired man's eyes on me.

I rushed inside and jogged to the lounge where I knew my parents would be. Upon entering the room, I saw them drinking tea at the sofas. When I closed the door the noise echoed throughout the gigantic room and they looked at me. They set their teacups down.

My father stood up and began walking towards me. "Kikimora, we have some excellent news for you!! Come, join us and have some tea," he said, placing his hand on my back and pushing me towards the sofa across from the one my mother was sitting on.  He ushered me to sit down and I obeyed.

He sat beside my mother and rested his leg over the other. My mother signaled one of the maids and one walked over. She poured me a cup of tea before walking away. "Thank you," I muttered to her. She nodded in acknowledgment.

My father cleared his throat. "While we were away, the head of the Ashworth family, Byron, proposed the idea of a betrothal between his eldest son, Ubel, and yourself." He cheerfully exclaimed.

My eyes were wide with absolute shock. I was frozen in place with my mouth agape. I could barely think or even form words. "Wh-what?! Tell me you're not serious!" I exclaimed, standing up from the couch.

My parents frowned and my father stood up as well, towering over me. "Kikimora, this is inappropriate behavior! You are not to raise your voice at your mother and I. Quit being such a disrespectful wench. You are to marry the first son of the Ashworth family and that is that!" He shouted in anger, slapping me across the face.

A loud slap sound echoed throughout the room and my head was left turned to the side. I flinched and winced. I knew how easy it was to anger my father. I felt tears well in my eyes, but I forced myself to nod. "Yes father," I mumbled.

From the corner of my eye, I saw him wipe his hand on his coat, acting like I was some disgusting being he was forced to make contact with. My eyes stung even more. "Good. You are excused now," he spat out. I quickly walked out of the room.

Once in the hallway, I let the tears fall down my cheeks and a sob left my lips. I ran down the corridor towards the stairs. Unfortunately for me, however, my short run was interrupted as I slammed right into a hard body. My own body flew backwards and I landed on my bottom.

I sniffled and looked up. I saw two phantoms through my blurry gaze. It was Elwin and Malachi. Both gave me worried gazes, especially Elwin. Nonetheless, I ignored them and stood up. I pushed through them to continue to the stairs and my room.

I couldn't stop crying the entire way. Not even when I tripped and stumbled a few times. I didn't want to get married, especially not to a man I'd never even heard of before! The thoughts only made me cry harder and I slammed my door shut when I entered my room.

I ran to my bed and threw my upper body onto it. I folded my arms and laid my head on them. I sobbed rather hysterically. My face stung and was most definitely soaked in tears.

After what felt like forever, I picked my head up. I wiped my face with my dress sleeve. I winced when it ran across my stinging cheek. I pressed my fingers on it and flinched at the harsh burning feeling it gave me.

Feeling exhausted from all the crying I did, I stumbled to stand up properly. When I finally managed to, I slowly walked over to my dressing table at the other side of the room. I felt like I was trying to walk through flowing water. Water that was against me.

My head felt heavy too, same for my eyes. I finally sat down at the table and looked at myself in the mirror. Obviously, my eyes were very red and puffy from crying. My cheek was a dark red and had my father's handprint on it. I winced at the sight.

There was a sudden knock on my door. It startled me and I rushed to stand up and turn towards it, expecting it to be one of my parents, I quickly answered. "Come in!" I yelled out. I wiped my eyes one last time before the door opened.

In walked Adonis. I was surprised that it was he who came to see me. I quickly hid my face by turning away, facing the table again. "Oh! Uhm, hi, do you need anything? I'm sort of... in the middle of something," I said, looking downward.

I heard slow footsteps approaching me. I saw him right behind me in the mirror. My breath hitched as I felt his hand against my chin. He brought my head upward. My face was hot from the furious blush that'd appeared at the close proximity and contact. It was hard to breathe.

I saw Adonis frown and glare after seeing my face in the mirror. I've never seen him look so upset before. He carefully turned me around, but I avoided eye contact and tried to keep my head to the side. "Mora, my lo-" he stopped himself. Out of shock, my wide eyes met his. However, quickly enough, I'd looked away again. "Who did this to you?" He all but growled.

I stayed silent and I felt his hands that were on my shoulders slide down my arms. He held my hands in a firm, comforting grip. I bit my lip and tried to keep my head down as my eyes stung with tears again. Don't do this. I mentally begged him not to make me answer, don't make me look at him.

Even still, he continued. "Mora, please, tell me who did this," he implored. He went to open his mouth again, but I finally looked up. I could see the surprise in his crimson eyes upon seeing my tear-stained face and red cheek up close.

My throat had a thick lump in it and I couldn't get myself to form words. My body shook with every silent sob. I felt him pull me into his chest and rest his head atop mine. I leaned against him and put my arms around him. I cried into him as I felt him pet through my hair as gently as a flower petal flutters through the wind.

Being with him, it was the best feeling in the world and it was oh so unexplainable. He just made everything so much better for me. Even if I'd only known him for a month or so. I never wanted to leave his warm embrace.

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