Chapter III- Their Arrival

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Reading a book as I sat on my window seat, I looked out at the beautiful sunny sky from above the treetops. Having a room on the third floor had its pros. I smiled at the scenery.

My peaceful moment was ruined by the sound of a bell. I looked towards the sound- my door. I saw a little girl holding a small bell. She grinned at me and giggled before running out. My eyes lifted and I tossed my book to the side. I chased after her, calling out to her. "Hey little girl! You're not supposed to be here!" I yelled as I followed her down the corridor.

Her giggles continued as she went down the stairs to the first floor. I stumbled a bit on my way day and when I reached the bottom I saw her heading towards the grand hall. "Wait up!" I exclaimed. I grew closer to her as she opened the door to the grand hall. I chased her inside before I saw her vanish into the wall. I gasped. She was a spirit! I feel so stupid. Sometimes it was hard to tell the difference between the living and the dead.

I heard a deep voice clear their throat. My father. I turned towards him from my place in the doorway and saw my parents with a group of people. Somehow, the one in front seemed familiar. He was tall, with slicked back raven hair and an extravagant suit. I couldn't put my finger on where I knew him from. Maybe it was just my imagination.

That's when I noticed it. The others wore masks. My eyes widened in shock. They weren't the masks I'd seen before, demonic. These people wore opera and theatre masks. And I could actually see their skin underneath them, instead of there being black fabric. I looked back at the center man who only smiled at me.

My father motioned next to walk towards him. I obeyed, slowly walking to stand in between my parents. I didn't take my eyes away from the man in the middle.

My father adjusted his ascot on his neck. "These kind gentleman will be staying with us for the time being. A tragedy occurred that caused them to lose their own homes." He explained. His words made my eyes widen again, but I knew not to question him.

I simply nodded my head after getting over my surprise. My mother grabbed my shoulder. "Why don't you show these fine individuals around after they find their rooms and get comfortable," she suggested, lightly digging her nails into my shoulder.

I nodded again. "Yes mother, it shall be done," I said animatedly. I faked a smile at the group in front of me. The masked figures remained emotionless while the center man- who I could only imagine being Adonis- grinned joyfully. I didn't understand. Adonis' face was covered in makeup(?) or maybe it was permanent? He must've done something to rid himself of the look.

My parents excused themselves and stepped out of the room. Soon after, two maids appeared, saying that they'd be showing the group to their rooms. We all began following the maids up the flights of stairs after walking down the first floor halls.

Adonis and I were in the back. I side-eyed him. "How'd you raise them?" I questioned monotonously.

He put his hands behind his back in a nonchalant manner. "Though I may not be able to see the supernatural, Kikimora, I am not human. I can do more things than you can imagine," he replied in a joking tone.

Although I know I heard him say that he was inhuman, the first thing to fly out of myself wasn't even related to that part of his words. "Bronwen." I began. "My name is Bronwen, do not call me that," I ordered harshly.

He paused before chuckling. "Your parents told me your name was Kikimora," he teased. He turned his head to look me(666 word) in the eyes.

I huffed, copying his actions by putting my arms behind my back and staring into his eyes. "Yes, that is my birth name, but that name was more of a curse and a taunt. So, as I said, don't call me Kikimora," I repeated.

Before he could reply the maids stopped the group in front of a dark door that matched the dark walls. One of them, the brunette, opened the door for a masked figure in the front. They both bowed respectfully. "Please come get us if the room is not to your liking," they chanted.

The masked figure in the front simply nodded and walked into the room. It was the first one I saw in the dining hall. I didn't know how I could tell them apart so well when I'd barely seen them and I've never seen their faces.

After the door to the room closed behind him the rest of us continued down the hall. I picked up another conversation topic with Adonis. "Do they have names?" I asked curiously, gesturing towards the masked figures.

He shook his head. "They don't, but there's never really been any need for a name for them." He answered honestly. It was almost creepy how honest this man has been with me. Why would he tell me everything he has?

I hummed innocently. "No one's ever given them names? What do you call them?" I inquired, gazing up at him.

He looked deep into my eyes, as if searching for something. He wouldn't find anything. "They're just phantoms," he responded quietly, like he wanted no one else to hear.

I looked at him. "They're not just anything. They're alive now, aren't they? They deserve to have names and have a chance to be normal," I subconsciously rambled. Adonis gave me a soft, knowing smile. I blinked before looking away.

The next "phantom" to get a room was the tallest one. Somehow, he gave off a calming aura. I couldn't understand it. I didn't even know him. After him was the buff one that had the cracked opera mask. Before he entered his room his eyes met mine. I didn't speak or say anything before he closed the door behind him. I questioned myself about what that could've been about.

The shortest(who was really just 5'6) of all was after him. His body shape was different and more feminine than the others. Next was the slimmest, he wore a long tailcoat with silver designs. I could barely see two different coloured eyes beneath his mask before he entered the dark room. They were grey and blue.

And finally, the last one to go was the most average-looking out of all of the phantoms. He was the same height as Adonis(5'10) and the same body type as the phantom I saw in the dining hall.

Now it was just the maids, Adonis, and myself. It was mostly silent, aside from the echoing steps our feet made. Minutes later, we'd arrived at the final door. The maids opened the door for the raven haired man. He bowed respectfully. "Thank you for having us," he gratefully said to me.

I nodded, not knowing what to say. It was rare for people to thank me, or even bow to me. "Uhm, of course. I will be awaiting your presence along with your..." I glanced at the maids. "friends." I faked a smile. He nodded his head in acknowledgment before heading into his room.

"Lady Kikimora, let us serve you some tea while you wait," the maids said in sync. I simply waved them off. I had a bit on my mind.

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