Chapter II- Adonis Cirillo

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I adjusted my corset before continuing my walk through the forest. It was a rather lovely day, as it was cloudy and the wind was blowing. It was beautiful, especially when seeing the sky through the shade of the trees.

I soon came across the riverbank and I bent down to dip my pointed finger into the water. The wind blew again, ruffling my hair and dress. A chill ran down my spine. It didn't feel so cold today. I stood up and looked around.

I heard a twig snap and I turned towards the sound. "Hello?" I called out. "If someone's there, please come out, I do not like surprises," I ordered sternly. I kept observing the area. "I won't hurt you," I said gently, giving a soft smile.

A minute past and I was starting to believe I was just hearing things before a dark figure came out from behind one of the trees. I gaped at him. It was another masked man. This one had a mask with the shortest horns. He was slim, but tall. The tallest out of all of them. He had to be at least 6'0.

He tilted his head at me, like a taunt. Not even a second later he turned around and started to speed-walk away. I gasped and ran after him. "Hey wait! Who are you?" I shouted, following behind him.

Even if I was running and he was walking it was hard to keep up with him. It must've been because of how much longer his legs were than mine.

Before I noticed, we'd ended up at the crypt and both doors were wide opened. Without missing a beat he continued to walk down the stairs. I paused and hesitated before I too, went down the steps, holding up my dress.

By the time I reached the bottom he was already at the end of the hall. I ran after him, "hold on!" I exclaimed. My long hair bounced up and down with every step.

He walked into the room with the tomb. I followed him without hesitation this time. When I made it to the room he was gone and there was only one light. It was in the center of the room this time.

I looked around until I walked further into the room towards the light. It moved away, towards the tomb. I followed it subconsciously. Upon getting closer, I realized that the tomb was now cracked. "Someone must've come down here," I muttered to myself.

The light suddenly vanished into the tomb. I tried to stop it somehow, throwing an arm out. It was futile. I leaned over the tomb and peeked through the crack, looking for the light. However, there was only darkness in there.

And then, an eye opened and stared at me. I gasped and fell backwards onto the floor. Everything began shaking, causing me to look around in shock and fear. "What is this?! Am I going to die?" I asked myself, stumbling as I tried to stand up.

The tomb's top was slowly sliding off and I found myself unable to move or look away. Not long after it was finally uncovered. I didn't dare stand up when the room stopped shaking. I was on my knees as I stared at the tomb.

It took a second for whoever was inside to grab the edges before sitting up. I'd say it was a man in a suit, but he didn't look human. His face was covered in... facial appliances? Like makeup.

He glanced around until his eyes landed on me. I couldn't take my eyes away. I was stunned into silence. Without a word he brought his legs out of the tomb and stood up. I backed away a little when he started walking towards me. He only paused for a moment before he continued.

He held his hand out to me and chuckled. A melodic sound. It wasn't what I expected. He stared a me, a smile on his painted lips. His face was covered in makeup that made his face look like a skull. I stared back up at him for a few seconds.

Then I grabbed his hand, feeling him pull me to my feet. I stumbled and he caught me by bracing his hand at the small of my back. I instinctively put my hand on his chest. Our eyes connected and I backed away, out of his arms.

I stared at him emotionlessly. "Thank you," I said. But then I remembered the situation I'd gotten caught up in. I stood in a standoff-ish way. "Who are you? How are you alive and how'd you get out of that tomb?" I demanded, crossing my arms to try to seem stern.

He only smiled. "My name is Adonis Cirillo," he kneeled down, putting a hand across his heart. " I am alive and out because of you," he stated as he took my hand in his, kissing the back of it.

I was taken aback by his statement and actions. I felt my cheeks become a little rosy before I tore my hand away. "How did I get you out or bring you to life?" I questioned firmly.

He was back onto his feet, his charming smile never ceasing. I narrowed my eyes at him. "As simple as it sounds, you read the words above my tomb," he responded. As I opened my mouth again he continued. "For decades, not only have I been trapped in this crypt, but my friends have too." He said, motioning towards the walls where all six lights appeared again.

I gasped and jumped in shock. I did my best to form proper words and cover up my surprise. "But you're dead, correct? No one else can see you?" I asked.

He gave me a look. "My lady, you have raised me from the dead! Everyone can see me now," he practically cheered. He looked so happy, like he was on the brink of tears.

I bit my lip. This could be really bad. If he was telling the truth- and I don't know of any other explanation for these events- and I brought him back from the dead...
He could've been a horrible person when he was alive before. There has to be a reason he and his "friends" were down here in the middle of nowhere.

I looked him in the eye. "The friends you've spoken of, they're the ones in the masks, aren't they?" I inquired, facing my side towards him, like a mock.

The question seemed to make his smile widen. "They are." He nodded. He held his hand out to me, gesturing me to take it. "Join me in raising the others." He grinned.

I stepped away. "No, I uh- I should get back home before my parents send the dogs out," I explained. I didn't trust him, I had to find a way to put him back in the tomb, and before he finds a way to bring his friends back to life. I was screwed(possibly) if he already knew how.

He didn't say anything, and if I've learned anything from my past life that means that I might get slapped. I turned around to run away, but I didn't move when I saw six figures with six demon-looking masks.

"You can see them, can't you? I thought as much, no ordinary human could raise the demonic, especially if they couldn't see them," "Adonis" said from behind me. I could hear him walking towards me, but I was frozen in place, gazing at the six pairs of eyes in front of me. "Unfortunately for me, I am unable to see them, but I'm glad someone can. They've been alone for so long," he continued, dragging out his words. He finally stopped right beside me. He faced me and I glanced at him.

Without another thought I ran through the masked figures, bumping into the tall one and the first one I saw. Although I ran as fast as I could, I still stole a glance behind me to see the two I pushed facing me and the others with their heads turned. Adonis smirked at me, though somehow, it didn't look evil.

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