Chapter VIII- Untruthfully Saving Them

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I felt the carriage come to a halt. I looked out the window, but before I could see anything, Adonis put his hand in front of my eyes. I turned towards him and frowned. "Ah ah, no peeking. It's a surprise, remember?" He inquired in a playful tone.

I huffed and reluctantly nodded. The carriage door opened and revealed Salem on the other side. The phantom that rode with Adonis and I got out first. Both phantoms held their hands out to me. Adonis smirked and motioned for me to take their hands.

I did so without much hesitation and they helped me out. I looked around before my eyes were quickly covered with gloved hands. "Hey!" I exclaimed. I was just a tiny bit annoyed because I wanted to know where we were. The only thing I saw were regular trees.

I could hear Adonis chuckle from behind me and I groaned. "Just a little longer, alright?" He said. I finally nodded. I felt my hands being taken into two other people's. It had to be two of the phantoms.

I was lead around for a minute or two and I heard the horses' noise slowly dissipate behind me the further I walked. I was stopped and I could feel the wind blowing smoothly. My hands were released and I let them fall back to my sides.

When the hands were removed from my face the first thing I noticed were the two phantoms on either side of me. On the left, I saw the blond with deep blue eyes and on my right I saw my goofy dinner escort.

But then I noticed the view behind them. I gasped in shock and walked closer to the edge of the cliff. My hands simultaneously made their way to my mouth to cover it up. I saw the forest behind my home and the sunset in the horizon. It was beautiful. I was speechless.

I felt an arm go around my shoulder as Adonis appeared at my side. I felt his warm body against mine. I finally allowed my hands to fall back down and I looked at him, still unable to form words. He smiled gently at me.

He pointed to an area in the forest. "That's the river." I followed his direction and saw it where he pointed. He moved his hand. "Your home." He moved it again. "And the crypt where you saved us," he said. His words resonated throughout my body. "The crypt where you saved us."

Did I really do that? All I did was read a word or two. It's not like I purposely did it anyways. I nearly cried at the stunning sight in front of me. Although, there was something peculiar about it. I felt like I've seen it before. Possibly in a dream...


I looked over at the rising moon in the sky once again. I'd gotten over my initial shock and sat down with the others. We all sat comfortably in the grass in a large circle. It reminded me of my time as a child.

I was in between the muscular phantom and the one with heterochomia. Next to the dark brown haired phantom(muscular phantom) was the one who escorted me to dinner. He was picking at the other dark haired male. I found it just a little amusing. Every once in a while the other would do something to get back at him. I couldn't help but let out short giggles that I tried to hide behind my hand.

Next to him was Salem, then Adonis, the blue eyed blond, and finally, Elwin. He sat next to Mr. Heterochromia. Adonis was making a flower crown out of the wildflowers for whatever reason.

Without looking up from his work, he began to speak. "In three days on October 9th, Mora, there will be a full moon. There will be a celebration with the phantoms and I. Will you be joining us? It would make the night that much better," he stated and finally looked up at me with a calm expression.

I was confused about why he(666) asked me to join him in his own celebration. "If that's what you'd like, but mind if I ask why?" I inquired curiously. I saw the hint of a smile as he looked back down at the crown.

He inspected his work for a moment by holding it into the air to see more in the moonlight before putting it back down in his lap and continuing. "Like I said, we owe you everything," he said. He held his flower crown up one more time and smiled at his skills. It was very pretty.

To my surprise, he reached over and put it on top of the blond phantom's head. He fixed his hair and moved it out of the way so that it wasn't too messy, then leaned back to his original position. I didn't know what he was making it for, but it was kind of sweet that he made one for one of the phantoms. It made me smile, and apparently, it also made the phantom smile.

I was startled at that too. Aside from the time I once saw two of them playing around behind my back, that was the first time I've seen one of them change their expression very much. It was a different feeling for me.

I thought back to what he said again. I wondered why the full moon was special for them. My eyes found their way up to the bright moon shining down at us. It was late. And I'm sure that I'll be in trouble when I return.

I simply closed my eyes and inhaled as the wind blew around my hair. This was peaceful. However, I couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity all of this gave me. I don't think I've ever been here so I don't know why it feels the way it does for me. Maybe it's nothing...

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