"Are you done?"

Five gave a nod, little smile hidden in the corner of his mouth.

"Let's go then."

she drove away as soon as he sat down.

"They think they found something." Patch glanced at Five to see his reaction.

"Will you freak out again?"

"No, I think I'll be okay."

"That's great."

Patch said that even though she really couldn't believe what kid told her. If there actually was something what he had traumatic experiences with, in no way, he'll be okay. She was sure of that.


House looked the same as before. Still full of ghosts who don't belong anywhere. Five didn't seem to like it.

"It feels wrong," he told while looking at the house "it's not supposed to look like this."

"I know. It should be different. That house had such a glory back in the days. Diego hated it but I could never understand. Now, maybe I do. But those days are gone. Just like them."

Before they reached the front door, Patch noticed one weird woman looking at them. Maybe it was because she felt out of place, but Patch felt that something was strange about her. Five froze completely up when she stepped closer to them and he noticed her.

"Hello dear, how are you doing?" her voice was somewhat rough, almost as if it was poisonous but still sweet like coated in honey. Listener would have never noticed there was something amiss if they hadn't known it.

"What's your connection to him?" Patch demanded some explanations and shielded Five from her, sensing that he was afraid. Afraid of her. 

Could she have been his real mother? No, if she had, then why show up now? That theory was way too messy to be true.

"Let's say, this cute little thing you're protecting, worked for me. He was excellent until he went rouge after betraying us and running."

Her big red smile was awful. With those white hair it made her look old, like grandma, but she was definitely murderous.

"What do you want?"

"I was given orders to get rid of him as he's still alive. I hate that."

she said it casual mode and it sounded like she had just seen something disgusting. Patch couldn't figure out what part she hated. Being given orders or having to kill Five. Anyway, she was not welcome around him.

"I don't know who you are lady or where you work, but I need you to stay away. He is an important witness to this case."

"That's too bad. This case was meant to stay unsolved."

The same second she finished her sentence, fist bang rang out in the air. Whitehaired lady had shot the concrete to give them he final warning. She wasn't smiling anymore, the look on he face was dead serious.

"Step away from him and I may kill you quick. This is between him and me. If you don't step away, I'm going to take my time torturing you dead and baby I can promise you. I have time more than anything else."

Patch felt cornered. Not her job nor her pride could allow her to step away. But they were both in danger and if she'd pulled her gun that crazy old lady would have shot them by the time she could finally take aim.

Why was nobody coming out of the house, they had heard the shot right? 

It must have been obvious that she had thought that because the next thing their opponent said was 

"You don't have to worry, no one will come. They're dead, I made sure."

with a big shining smile like she had enjoyed it.


was all Patch said to Five before attacking. That way, at least kid could escape. Next thing she felt was a bullet, flying through her leg.

"So it's like this then. I'll take my time." whitehaired lady looked unimpressed. Maybe it wasn't her first time seeing attacks like that. Patch felt herself go into shock.

"Five, Five, come out wherever you are. I would like to shoot you in the head so you stay dead." she was almost singing t while looking around to find her target.

"Handler!" that was Fives voice. Patch had told him to run, why was he still here and who was handler?

"We both know I won't die."

"Let's see about that. I want to try, come out!" Five was still hiding.

What happened next was a mystery. Patch couldn't see everything but she was pretty sure she saw Five coming out and fighting with that woman. Surprisingly, he was the one winning. She lost her pistol.

"Wait, I can help you!" she was trying to save herself as she was out of breath "I can take you there, let you try again."

"Not this time, I can do that myself. You're not fooling me again." 

She would probably have been killed by him if she hadn't just disappeared in a split second. Five had that kind of look on his face. But only for a second. Then he was normal again. Totally scared kid whose head was bleeding. Maybe he slipped or something.

Patch couldn't tell which was the real him anymore. Sometimes he was like that and then he wasn't anymore. But he definitely freaked out after seeing her bleed. He ran towards her only to disappear in the middle of running and reappear right next to her. He was more freaked out about it than she.

She had actually expected something like that as he was connected to the Umbrella academy. But kid himself was not okay with that at all. He was panicking and so they were to messes in the middle of street. Five clearly couldn't understand what was happening to him as he was jumping from one place to another with some powers he didn't know he had.

"Listen to me, focus on my voice." she caught him, but that alone wasn't enough to make him stop freaking out.

"God damn it Five! Look at my face. I'm okay, I'm alive and so are you, calm yourself down."

He heard that and his breathing stabilized slowly.

"We can talk about what happened later." promised Patch while calling for an ambulance.

He gave a nod as an answer so it was a promise.


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