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He came back again later. As it turned out, he was denied his request to take Five with him, but had been allowed to talk with him. Five snarled at him after learning that.

"Go away!"

"Later I will. Right now I'm going to study the way your mind works and unravel the mysteries surrounding that thing you did to get out of your straitjacket. Do you understand what that means?"

"No, I can't. I have no idea how I did that. Can't even remember."

That surprised the old man "What do you mean you don't know? It was you not me who did that."

"And I'm telling you, I can't remember."

Old man let out  a sigh and leaned back on chair he had sat down to. "I apologize, I'm forgetting my manners. I haven't even introduced myself. You can call me Reginald. Could you please tell me your name?"


It seemed to confuse him.

"No, not what they call you here. Tell me who you were before you came here."

"I've always been Five. It's my name. There's nothing more."

"Okay then, Five. Tell me who your parents are."

"Don't remember them, Patch adopted me after the incident."

"What incident?" became Reginald curious.

"They told me I appeared out f nowhere, covered in blood, remembering nothing."

"So it's not your first time being found while stained with blood?"

"Apparently not."

"And you still claim to be innocent as I heard from director."

"Of course, it was not me! I was framed!"

"Framed by who?"

"Someone looking like you."

"Okay, lets move on. If you weren't there to kill someone or set fire to the city, what were you doing near to the O'Learys barn the night fire started?"

"You won't believe me." Five was sure of it.

"I can try. I'm quite open minded."

Now it was Fives time to sigh. He wasn't too sure about Reginald believing him. What if he decides that he's just mental?

After calculating the risks, he came to a conclusion that he can try at least. If it is like he thinks it is, nothing happens, but if it's not, well it won't probably hurt too much just to try.

"You have been warned then. I was there to prevent it."

"So you knew that it was going to burn?"

"Of course. It's written in every history book that Chicago burned.


"Yes. In the future, it is. I don't know how I got here but as I was already here, I wanted to keep it from happening. Stupid thought as now I'm stuck here."

"You're trying to convince me that you came from the future. That is hard to believe. From what year you came then?" recovered Reginald quickly. Impressive actually.

"After two thousand. World won't end even though the end is quite close sometimes."

"Noted, I'll tell that to every person who thinks that it's going to end today. Now, tell me what you saw that night."

"You. I saw you. And four other and me who you killed."

"How was it possible that you saw yourself?" Reginald completely ignored the fact that he had just been accused in murders.

"I don't know! Time travel? Don't care. I want to get out of here."

Reginald gave a nod "I'm fully aware of that but I can't help you. they are very strict with even visiting you as you're possible killer."

"It's a shame."

Five felt like regretting that fact and then came the click. It had been long since the last time but feeling of completeness was still wonderful. The change he had in his mind could hardly seen on the outside. Only things what looked different then, were his eyes and the way he just stopped looking bothered. He was calm and his eyes felt as cold as stone.

"From this I think I can assume I'm talking to Fives demon now who I've been told inhabits him." Reginald was almost correct and didn't even look too terrified. Maybe it was not his first time talking to possible demons but who knew.

"No, you're still talking to me. Now I just know everything."

"What is that everything?"

"I won't tell you."

"Why not?"

"I just don't like you. It would be more correct if I were to tell you that I absolutely loathe you."


"I won't tell."

"I liked the other you more. He was easier to work with."

"I liked you more when I didn't know that you will try to kill me. Actually, I liked you a lot more when you were dead."

Five freed himself again, this time aiming for Reginalds neck. He was ready to kill. Old man defended himself so Five tried again. Reginald stood up and fought him of with ease. As a result, Five switched his tactics and tried o escape. He could kill that old man later.

It worked. Some jumps later he was free, on the outside and ready to run. All that while Asylum was still getting ready to catch him and alarming workers about an escape. They weren't going to catch him. Not like that.


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