Nile River

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Niall invited me backstage and iz was awesome. I drank ze champagne wiz One Direction and I zhink I'm falling in ze love wiz Niall. I got hiz number and I zink he'z my zoulmate.

I texted Niall zhat night.

"Hey" I zaid

"Hii" He replied. "Tá áthas orm go bhfuil Gaeilge agat"

Umm I watch Irish soap dramas but I read subtitles. Zime zo bring out ze trusty Google Translate.

 Zime zo bring out ze trusty Google Translate

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We zalked for hours and itz waz amazing. I zink he likez me back. I waz hoping he'd azk me on a date. Guezz what... he did!!

We decided zo meet at ze American resutarant Mcdonalds ze following day.

I wore ze zparkly dress: 

Niall looked zo hansome and zo many butterflies filled my stomach

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Niall looked zo hansome and zo many butterflies filled my stomach. We revealed zecrets about each other. Did you know hes natural brunette? He dyes his hair but he iz perfect juzt ze way he iz. 

We zpent 2 hourz talking when ze clock hit 12AM. Niall zaid he had to go and would be right back. Honestly, for a zecond I thought zis waz not a 24 hours Mcdonalds. Niall waz gone for over an hour zo I checked on him. I walked outside to notice a beautiful full moon. After crossing ze road I zaw a bear? Bigfoot? I zcreamed when I zaw it and then heard Niall's voice. "Baguette ná bíodh faitíos ormsa, Niall." 

"Oh zcrew zhis. I zon't speak Irish I barley know anything. What even are you?"

"Baguette, I'm so sorry you had to find out his way, but I-I am a were wolf."

OMG what! Niall iz a were wolf. I can't believe it. 

"Baguette, I'm so sorry. I cannot do this relationship"

Niall just dumped me?! No. Zhis is not happening. I zo not want to end up on the Niall's exes wall right next to Hailee Steinfeld. Just zhen I had another lightbulb idea. "Niall, are any of ze other One Direction members up for grabz?"

Niall zaid everyone else was zingle. Zhis waz iz. Niall might be a were wolf but that doezn't mean Hairy, Louie, Zame and Lilo are single.


Baguette ná bíodh faitíos ormsa, Niall - Baguette don't be scared its me Niall

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