Episode 1, Hue the Invisible Challenger

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Earth is being targeted. Beings from countless stars floating in space have come down to invade for reasons currently unbeknownst to us.

One night, a car strolls by a police checkpoint. An officer carrying a flashlight approaches the car and leans to speak with the driver.


In response, the driver pulls out his wallet and hands it to the officer, who opens it and checks the license using his flashlight. He turns to the driver again.

"Where are you headed? Registration."

The driver begins looking in his car before handing the officer his registration. But suddenly, the man flashes and disappears.

The officer looks at the now empty car in terror. Another officer, hearing the other's sound of confusion and fear approaches him and the car.

"What happened? What is it?"

The officer, in response, points inside the car.

"T-That man disappeared..!"

The many reports of many people disappearing with no cause reaches a secret base of the Terrestrial Defense Force, a 300-member group tasked with guarding the Earth from terrestrial and extraterrestrial threats. A fortress built dozens of meters underground, packed with the best scientific equipment and cutting-edge weaponry. This area is also the homebase of.... the Ultra Garrison.

A mechanical door opens, the 38-year-old commander, Sanshiro Kiriyama, walks out of the control room.

Kiriyama walks down the hall and to a room where five TDF members are inside, pointing out several locations of the disappearances so far. As Kiriyama comes in.
The general, Yamonaka, greets Kiriyama, still holding the stick.

"Have you overheard the disappearances?"

"Yes, on the morning news."

"Well, we have a difficult job for the Ultra Guard, Staff Officer Takenaka will explain."

Everyone turns to Takenaka.

"According to police reports, there have been several mysterious disappearances."

Takenaka picks out a red folder and reads it.

"Most recently, people have suddenly vanished from parks, hotel lobbies, police checkpoints, and university research labs. All in entirely unrelated fields. We don't know how many."

"And the cause?" Kiriyama asks.

"Unknown at present, all that disappeared suddenly flashed and sparked before vanishing."

"It is a complete mystery, which means whoever is behind it must have great scientific knowledge. The five of us are of the opinion that they are aliens, and investigating the matter as such would be best, so we decided to use our aces, the Ultra Garrison, to handle the case."

"This phenomenon uses some magic beyond the imaginings of current times' technology. It is advised to be careful while proceeding with this dangerous mission." Kaji speaks up next.


In the base's shooting range, the expert marksman, Satomi Hayakawa, shoots down the target dummies with her ultragun.

The physically strongest member by the name of Shigeru Arashi is weight-lifting in the base's gymnasium.

The tactician and engineer, Amagi, pulls a long sheet of paper out of a large printer and shows a fellow member.
Suddenly, Kiriyama comes on the speakers.

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