Episode 6, Mars Attacks! Race Against Time

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(Note that this Episode was kinda rushed. More info at the end of the story.)

In the middle of a forest on a rainy dawn, Ultraseven and a brownish-grey space kaiju have a standoff.
Aron roars at the red giant before charging at him, only to receive an uppercut to the head.

Ultraseven wraps his right arm around Aron's neck and grabs his beak-like snout before tossing him away, sending Aron crashing onto the ground before the space kaiju camouflages, confusing Ultraseven as the red giant looks around for Aron.
Aron appears behind him and knocks Ultraseven upside the head with one of his hooked hands, knocking the red giant forward a bit before he clasps his hands together to fire small knife-like beams from the palms of his clasped hands at Aron, igniting several tiny explosions on the bold kaiju's chest.

Aron charges toward Ultraseven and bashes both of his hooked hands against the red giant's head.
Aron then spreads his wings and attempts to fly off, only for Seven to throw his Eye Slugger at the kaiju's left wing, bringing Aron back down crashing into a nearby lake.

Ultraseven walks towards the lake, his eyes flashing as he scans the area for Aron, who he finds camouflaged under the lake.
Ultraseven moves out of the way just as Aron pounces out of the water at the red giant. Seven grabs Aron's tail and swings him about before throwing Aron at a mountainside.
Aron swiftly gets up and roars as he approaches Seven.

Ultraseven takes the eye slugger off the top of his head and throws it at Aron, slicing the kaiju's head clean off the neck as his arms go up in the air. The eye slugger flies back onto Seven's head as Aron's headless corpse collapses to the ground before exploding.
Victorious, Ultraseven flies off into the sky.

On Mars, there lies a collage of triangular structures hidden on the red planet's surface. Undetected by humanity.
One of the triangular structures disconnects from the collage and flies off towards Earth.

Meanwhile, a private jet is soaring through the sky on it's way to Japan. Aboard the aircraft is Professor Yushima, a member of the Terrestrial Defense Force who inspects and upgrades the base's defense system and assures the system isn't declining.
Professor Yushima is sitting at one of the club seats, looking out the window at the sunrise. A flight attendant brings him a cup of tea, setting it down on the table in front of him.

"Enjoy." She says, bowing.

"Thank you." Yushima thanks the attendant, nodding to her as a thanks before picking up the cup and taking a sip.

The pilot walks into the cabin and over to the Professor to inform him how much longer the flight will take.

"We'll be at Japan in an hour, Professor." The pilot informs Yushima. "I've really missed Japan lately. Can't wait to be home." Yushima replies before putting a cigarette in his mouth and raising his lighter up to the tip, lighting it for a smoke.

The unidentified triangular structure flies down to the private jet, hovering just slightly above it as a blanket of yellow energy covers the entire aircraft, freezing it in place.
Shortly after lighting his cigarette, the Professor closes his lighter and flips it in the air when it suddenly freezes mid-air. In fact, everything and everyone in the aircraft froze in place.

Yellow smoke comes down from the ventilation, creating a thick sperm-like shape. The smoke soon clears, revealing a man-sized alien that resembles a longer ibacus with two lit eyes at the front of it's face and four insectoid legs near the bottom of its spine. The alien also seems to be carrying a syringe in its forelegs.

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