Chapter 4

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"You mad at me?" I asked as I watched her from the bedroom door. She just got out of the shower and was getting dressed.

"My fiancé left me high and dry, I'm pissed." She said but didn't sound pissed. 

"Well technically you weren't dry." She looked over her shoulder at me with a glare. A beautiful glare making my smile widen. She was gorgeous even when mad. 

"Make it four days." She said whipping my smile right off my face.

"I'm sorry."

"No you're not. You like getting under my skin. Been doing it since day one." I smiled again because she was right. I didn't know why I did it but I did. I went over to her rapping my arms around her from behind. 

"Not four days babe. Please." 

"You know that's not going to work on me." I sighed because she was right again. When she said no to something she meant it. But that's something I loved about her also. She was definitely a woman of her word. There was no in between with her. No grey spots. It was either yes or no with her and she was firm on it when she said it. No one has ever been able to persuade her. Not even me. 

"I love you babe." 

"I love you to." She said allowing me to kiss her. My hand begin traveling down until I got to her middle and she pushed it away sliding out of my arms. She then threw on some pajama pants. "Guess who I ran into today?"

"Who's that?"


"Really? When?"

"Right before I got home. That's the reason why I was soaked. Her car had broke down and I gave her a jump."

"How is she?"

"Good. She looked good and she told me her cancer is one hundred percent gone."

"Wow that's good. She and Di still together?"


"It's good them two are still together. I always wondered how they could be so good to each other but they couldn't be that way with us."

"Because it wasn't meant to be love. God sometimes try to pull us away from things that's not for us, but we as human beings are too pig headed and try to hold onto things that was never meant to be in the first place. They were meant for each other. We are meant for each other. But you have to go through things in order to see that. Only God himself knows what's going to happen before it does. I'm just glad it worked out this way."

"Aw me to." I went over to her kissing her. I went for her pajama pants but she pushed my hand away again. "Get out of here I'm going to make something to eat."

"You really can't leave me high and dry for four days Lynn."

"Watch me." She said and left me standing there. I smiled shaking my head as I followed behind her shortly after. 

"When is the last time you spoke to that kid?" I asked as I watched her make a plate of food. She didn't know that I had cooked already. 

"Since we heard his mom yelling at him. He hasn't called me since."

"Why don't you call him?"

"I don't know his schedule and you seen how crazy his mom is. I don't want to get him trouble so I wait for him to contact me. Besides I can't be getting caught up calling a little boy. Let the wrong person see me doing that and they'll run with it. Try to run my name in the dirt and who has time for that." It was sad but true. I understood where she was coming from. Some people were just too evil. 

Unbreakable Bond  (Third Series To Lynn)Where stories live. Discover now