Chapter 7

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Tomorrow was my first day back to work. It seemed as if the time flew by. I felt I didn't have enough time to find out about my son. To find out about Brandon. I looked at the picture  I took from his Facebook page. This boy looked just like me as a child. But I couldn't just go off that. I needed solid proof. Lynn was out jogging with Blue. She was going to work once she got back. I was going to spend the day home alone. I needed to speak to Brandon but I felt that he was afraid of me for some reason. I had to gain his trust. Build a bond with him like he and Lynn had. I wouldn't be able to go on not knowing at this point. I put on a smile for Lynn but deep down this was killing me. Needing to know the truth was all I thought about. I knew working was only going to make the process longer. I sighed and laid back in bed. What to do? I felt as Lynn leaned over kissing me but I couldn't bring my eyes to open. I knew she was going to shower then leave for work. I don't know how long it's been since her shower but her yelling my name had me damn near flying out of bed. I raced to the top of the steps her meeting me there.

"What's wrong?"

"She's beating him again." I rushed down the stairs and to the iPad hearing as he plead and begged that woman not the beat him.

She was hitting him like a damn man. I balled my hands into fist. I wanted her to hit me like that. Seconds later his screaming stopped and we heard as the room door slammed. I couldn't consume my anger anymore.

"Brandon." I called. "Brandon..."

"I don't wanna live anymore." He cried. With that Lynn grabbed the iPad.

"Brandon." He looked at the screen. His lip was busted. "Fuck." She mutted the Ipad. "We have to do something."

"I agree. But what?" I could see her brain going.

"We're going to New York."

"What? When?"

"Right now." She rushed out the kitchen but suddenly stopped. "You have to work..."

"Don't worry about work. I'm coming with you. I'll have someone cover me."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." I said going to the steps. This was my chance to find out if Brandon was my son. Nothing was going to make me miss this opportunity. I felt Lynn on my heels.
I grabbed a few pairs of jeans and shirts and underwear and was packed in ten minutes so was Lynn.

"You sure about this?" I asked.

"One hundred percent. Got your passport?"


"Let's go."

"What about Blue?" I asked.

"I'll call Eric to come get her." With that we hoped in the car and made our way to the airport. We sat at the airport while we waited for the plane to land. I could feel that Lynn was still tense. She was pissed. I loved my baby.

"Say what you want." I said using her words and she smiled.

"Know me so well."

"Just like you know me so well."

"Imma fuck that bitch up." She said.

"Not if I get to her first."

"I guess we tag teaming her ass then."

"Damn right." New York here we come.

Once on the plane we sat down and waited for take off. I knew we were going to get there fast riding the plane but the process took so long when in a rush. My hands itched to choke the life out of this women. Even of Brandon wasn't my son no child deserved this. And even if he wasn't mine I was going to help him to my best ability. I felt as Lynn gave my hand a squeeze. This was only a five hour ride and already I wished I was there.

Unbreakable Bond  (Third Series To Lynn)Where stories live. Discover now