Chapter 10

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Once we got back to the construction site we entered to find it clean. It was like we were stepping into a new building. They was scared of losing there job. We were greeted by a secretary this time. And this boss guy act as if he was happy to see us this time around. I think it might be too late for you sire. I thought as we went straight to his office.

"Place is cleaned and the workers are on the job." He said nervously.

"And a lot more work is done then when I was last here. See how fast things get done when people actually work?"

"Yes ma'am."

" Answer this question for me. Do your men get paid hourly?"

"Yes ma'am."

"And you?"

"I do also."

"Do you know sitting around on company hours is stealing company time? Just liligaging around."

"Yes ma'am. And it won't happen again."

"Oh, I know it's not. I need all of your men paperwork."

"Everyone of them?"

"Every. Single. One." He gave a nod.

" Yes ma'am." He went around to his desk and pulled out all the men paperwork and handed it to her. Sitting in his chair she begin flipping through the pages.

"Can you get a chair for my fiance also."

"No I'm fine." I said but she looked up at him anyway as if to tell him to go find one. Once he left she smiled

"Let him sweat it out some. He'll know not to mess with me."

"Are you really going to fire him?"

"Once I find someone to take his place. Yes. Stealing company time. He was literally getting paid while doing nothing. You know how many people want his position? Witch is why I don't understand why you would mess this up for you and your family. He has a wife and I'm pretty sure he may have kids. Why risk it like this?" Since she put it like that I knew where she was coming from. "I will hire someone who respects me as a woman and as CEO of this company. Ain't no telling how much money he stole from this company. Damn fool. Everyone seem to be on the up and up other then the only one that was doing his damn job."

"Mr. Raymor?" She nodded.

"Nothing on his application makes since. I bet he's here illegally." She sighed.

"What does this mean?"

"He'll have to be one that I fire."


"He's not supposed to be working here. I could lose everything if they find out he's working here. I can't risk that."

"You'll have to turn him in to the police?"

"No. That between him and the police. Even if I had to I wouldn't. He's just trying to make an honest living. I'll just have to send him on his way."

"Poor guy."

"Tell me about it. The only honest one here." Standing she called Mr. Raymor in the office. It just tickles me how she took over the other guys office as if it was her own. She certainly had ways to get back at you. He hesitantly entered the office. By the look on his face he knew what was going to come.

"How long have you been working here Mr. Raymor?"

"Two years ma'am."

"So you can speak English."

"I understand better than speaking." He explained and she gave a nod.

"How long have you lived in the United States?"

Unbreakable Bond  (Third Series To Lynn)Where stories live. Discover now