Chapter 3

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"Boss you okay in there?" Someone yelled from the other side of the door and bust out laughing. Lynn laughed and shook her head as she allowed me to slid off her desk.

"Don't worry about me. Get back to work." She said then kissed my neck. I reached for my panties in her hand but she pulled away witch I knew she was going to do already. "Mine, thank you." She said as she stuffed them in her pocket. I dropped my mouth open in shock.

"You gone let me walk out here with my ass out?"

"You walked in here like that." I shook my head as I grabbed the bag of food.

"Can I at least get something. You know..." I said as I motioned to my moist thighs. Laughing she opened her drawer and pulled out some whips. Coming back around to me she knelt down and begin whipping my pussy and thighs I bit back a moan with each stroke. Was still sensitive. She stood staring me in my eyes. She was ready to go again but she would compose herself. I knew that look also. She gave me a quick peck on the lips then walked back around to her seat. I sat across from her. My baby was something else. I opened our food and we silently begin to eat. After a minute I said. "So how's work coming along?"

"Great I was just looking into buying another house."


"To fix it up and sell it and make money. What you mean?" She said like it was so obvious.

"I mean... aren't you looking to become a mom? Aren't you supposed to be looking for a sperm donor not a house?" She smiled.

"It won't take long to fix this house. It'll be way before we actually go through with the percedure."

"You won't be working while you're pregnant right?"

"I'll sit my ass down when I hit six months how bout that." She suggested.

"That's fine as long as you're not doing any heavy lifting at all while pregnant." She sighed.

"Yes ma'am."

"Thank you and I was also thinking..." She arched her brow up at me when I didn't continue. "How about you use my eggs."

"You mean like put your eggs inside of me and I carry your baby?" I gave a apprehensive nod.

"And here they say that women couldn't make a real baby together. I'm definitely okay with that. The baby would definitely be a part of both of us."

"That's how I see it also. I've also been looking for some donors."

"You have?" She asked suprised.

"Yes. I mean we talk about this on and off and now I'm one hundred percent ready. Like you."

"Okay." She beamed. "You have pictures?"

"I do."

"They're black?"

"Yes." I said laughing. I knew how she was. I pulled up the pics and passed her the phone. She silently skimmed through the pics then stopped at one showing me.

Unbreakable Bond  (Third Series To Lynn)Where stories live. Discover now