Chapter 5

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I was just about done with dinner when my Ipad begin buzzing. I knew it was Brandon before answering.

"Hey kid. You okay? Haven't heard from you in a while."

"Yes." He said in a whispered.

"Was your mom mad at you again?"

"Yeah. She's always mad at me." He sound sad.

"What do you mean?" I asked trying to sound nonchalant about it.

"She's just mad all the time. I don't wanna talk about her."

"What do you wanna talk about then?"

"I don't know." I imagined him hunching his shoulders as he said that.

"How about the next time those boys bother punch them in the throat and it'll hurt so bad that it'll put them on there knees." He chuckled.


"Yup really." I looked at the screen and seen the room was dark.

"Where are you?"

"In my room."

"You sitting in the dark?"



"Have to be in bed." I frowned.

"Isn't it like six o'clock there?"

"Yeah. I have to be in bed early because of the fight."

"So why are you on the iPad with me if you have to be in bed young man?"

"I just like talking to you. You're nice."

"Awww thanks sweetie. I try to be. Let me ask you something."


"What happened to your real parents?"

"They died in a car accident. I miss them." I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"I'm sorry honey."

"It's okay. They in a better world now."

"So you're in a foster home?" I asked already knowing the answer to that.


"How long ago your parents die?" I felt I had to ask.

"Almost two years now."

"Oh wow. Are you going to counseling?"

"I use to. Then I moved here and Mrs. Sarah said I didn't need it anymore. I don't know if I do or not. I don't know what crazy feels like."

"People who go to counseling aren't crazy. They just need that extra person to talk to."

"Is having friends to talk to like counseling?"

Unbreakable Bond  (Third Series To Lynn)Where stories live. Discover now