Chapter 9

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The next morning we went and had breakfast. Everything was all smiles and joy until the time came to drop Brandon back off at Sarah's. Why couldn't I figure out what to do for this kid? What was it that I was missing? We parked across the street near the store. We didn't want that lady seeing us with Brandon. I looked at him in the rear view mirror to see the sadness in his face. I looked at Tammi to see the sadness in her face also. My heart ached for the both of them.

"Kid." I waited until he met my eyes in the mirror. "You know everything's going to be okay right?" He gave a slight nod. "Keep your phone charged and if you need anything at any time you call me and Tammi okay?" He gave another slight nod then opened the door. He came to the driver side once he climbed out.

"I had a lot of fun Lynn. Thank you. And thank you Tammi."

"No problem." She said as she forced a smile.

"Hey." I called before he turned to leave. "Sometimes women can be just as mean as men can. Some women could be worse. I don't know if I'm about to give you the best advice right now but it worked for me as a kid." Sometimes anyway I thought. "But... show no fear. Don't beg her. Don't challenge her. And if you need to protect yourself then do it." He smiled.

"I will. Bye Lynn." He said and ran off.

"That's what you had to do as a kid?" Tammi asked me.

"Yeah. I never showed fear. At least when I got older. But I never challenged her either. Because if you challenge a person that feel they have power or control over you it will only bring out more evil in them. So I never challenged my aunt out of fear of her doing something drastic to me. But I never showed fear and although she hated that I no longer feared her she respected it. Once I showed her that I no longer feared her the ass woppings subsided. But that doesn't mean she didn't do other things to replace the ass woppings."

"Like what?" We watched as Brandon entered the house as I answered her. "She begin accusing me of liking the men she bought into the house. I would go days without food. When she found I left the house out my window then she would lock it and I would be stuck out there even longer. She was a very disturbed woman and I suffer a lot still because of her. Just random thoughts of my past would pop into my head out of no where. I could be having the best time then all of a sudden a thought of her would enter my head." I sighed. "I hate it. But I live with it because I refuse to allow it to destroy me."

"Always so strong." She said smiling. If only she knew how hard I fought to be this strong. Not because I wanted to be but because it helped me kept those thoughts away. I don't know why my past always popped into my head but it did. Something I longed to forget still hunted me in my head. It was a never ending cycle of painful thoughts. But with the love of Tammi it's become even more easier to deal with. She had no idea. "What now?" She asked.

"I haven't seen this construction site from my company since we built it. Trying to go see it?"

"Yes let's go. I haven't seen it yet."

"Cool." I took off in that direction and twenty minutes later we was there. As soon as we stepped foot into the building I felt something was off. Things were all out of place. And yes even though I didn't expect it to be as neat as my office they had to do better then this. Why was it so messy in here? Tammi must have knew how I was feelings because she begin picking up some of the things that just lay on the floor. A complete hazard to the place and everyone working here. We didn't even have things laying around at the construction site because of how dangerous it could be. I grabbed my fiance's arm to keep her from picking anything else up. I had to get to the bottom of this, right now.

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