Chapter 6

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I left the house needing some air. I knew Lynn was worried but I felt as if I couldn't breath in there. What if this little boy was my little boy? How did I even find out the answer to that? I knew I would have to do it on my own because I didn't want to put any more pressure on Lynn. I didn't want her to feel as if she had to be obligated to help me. I knew that she was tired of putting others before herself. I couldn't tell her this bogas thought that this boy may be mine. What to do?

I looked at the phone to find Lynn calling. She gave me an hour. I guess that was too long. Smiling I answered.


"Are you okay?"

"Yes I'm fine."

"Are you coming home now?" Chuckling I said. "Yes I'm coming home now."

"Okay. I'll be waiting." With that she hung up and I started my walk back to the house. She learned how to compose herself when it came to me. In the beginning of our relationship she would have been out here searching for me. And I feel she still would be like that if I didn't get on her about it. She couldn't protect everyone. I stopped and thought about that. Of course she couldn't protect everyone and she was finally beginning to accept that about herself after years of putting herself last. Who was I to make her make a promise to Brandon when she wasn't sure she could keep it. One thing about Lynn was that she was a woman of her word. Every promise she kept. Every yes or no she gave she stuck to. I pressured her to say Brandon wouldn't go back to a foster home when she wasn't sure she could keep that promise. I had to apologize to her.

Once I entered the house she and Blue begin making there way to me. Blue in front. I watched as Lynn stopped placing her hands on her hips as she glared down a Blue who picked up speed to get to me first.

"Hey young lady, sit down." She command the dog to do and she sat then laid down. "I get first dibs up in here." She said making me laugh as she continued towards me. She gave me a hug and a kiss then allowed the dog to get up to get some love also. "She greedy. Want all the love to herself."

"Ain't nothing wrong with that huh Blue?" I said as I rubbed her. Standing to my full height I looked to find Lynn watching me. She had that what's wrong look on her face. I knew she would wait until I was ready to talk about it though, and right now I wasn't. I had to do this on my own. "Did you eat already?" She shook her head then turned and went into the kitchen. I followed.

"So find any houses to flip?" I asked as we ate. I needed this tension gone.

"I found a few but I decided that I'm not going to flip anymore for a while."

"Really why?" I asked curious.

"There's something else that has my attention at the moment. I don't wanna put too much on my plate so I'm going to focus on this one thing first."

"Okay. What's that? The baby? Because I've been thinking about some new names..."

"No not a baby." She cut off. "That's going to have to wait also." I frowned.
"Not for long. Just a few more weeks."

"Oh okay. I can wait that long. But everything is okay though right?"

"Everything is fine love. I just been doing some research on something. But I wanna figure it out before I speak on it."

"I can understand that." Once we ate we made our way up to bed. Another day was soon to come and I still haven't figured out my first move when it came to finding my son. I leaned over kissing Lynn as she lay in my arms. She smiled. "I wanted to apologize to you." Her eyes opened and she frowned confused.

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