Chapter 10: Power

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Nova found herself seated in Lucius's office once again. 

"Draco will be coming home next weekend," Lucius was saying.

"Why?" Nova asked. 

"Narcissa seems to think he needs more time at home." Lucius frowned disapprovingly. 

"And you don't?" 

"She coddles him. He needs to learn the hard way or he won't learn at all." 

"So you think he needs more tough love?" Nova inquired. 

"It does not matter." Lucius brushed her off with a wave of his hand. "Despite what I think Draco needs, it's a great opportunity for you and Draco to become friends." 

Nova thought back to the unanswered letter from Draco sitting on her vanity. Lucius didn't know that they had been writing to each other for the last few weeks; usually about how school was going and what was happening in the manor. 

"So Narcissa is speaking to you again?" Nova asked, eager to change the subject. It had been a few nights since she had gotten drunk and Severus carried her off to bed. 

Lucius leaned back in his leather chair, uncomfortable. "It would be best if we refrain from speaking about my wife." 

"Why is that, Lucius?" 

"Narcissa does not concern our relationship. Is that clear?" Lucius got up and walked towards the door. He opened it expectantly. Nova understood that it was her cue to leave. 

Nova made her way into the dining room, deciding she would wait for dinner to be ready. When she walked in she was surprised to see Voldemort, Bellatrix, and Fenrir Greyback standing at the opposite end of the room. Fenrir was a dangerous and bloodthirsty werewolf. Nova wasn't sure if he was actually loyal to Voldemort or simply enjoyed the destruction Voldemort caused. 

All heads turned to Nova when she entered. Before she could get out an apology and leave, Fenrir took his wand out and quickly pointed it at Nova. Nova had just managed to wrap her hand around her own wand when Fenrir opened his mouth to speak.

"Confringo!" he shouted. 

Nova waved her wand to cast Protego, being able to do so without uttering the incantation. Fenrir's spell bounced off of an invisible barrier and crashed into the nearby wall. 

"What the fuck, Fenrir!?" Nova shouted. 

Fenrir smirked and sent another spell, this time nonverbally, towards Nova. She instinctively reflected it away. Fenrir shot another spell, then another and another, Nova waving her wand so they would bounce away from her. 

She heard footsteps behind her and the dining room door open. 

"What is going on in here?" Lucius said, eyes flickering from one person to the next. 

Nova stole a glance at Lucius and Fenrir took the opportunity to send another spell hurtling at her. Nova ducked out of the way at the very last second. The spell hit Lucius in the chest and he flew backwards into the wall. He slumped down, eyes squinting in pain. 

Nova stood up quickly, and shouted "Expelliarmus!" with excessive force. Fenrir's wand flew from his hand and thudded loudly against the tall ceiling, before falling back down at Nova's feet. She grabbed it before rushing to Lucius's side. 

"Are you OK?" Nova asked Lucius. 

"What the bloody hell are you two doing?" Lucius tried to stand and Nova grabbed his arm to help. 

Narcissa walked into the room, eyes wide. She was taking in the scene; Fenrir gasping for breath from the exertion, Bellatrix smiling broadly, Voldemort watching the scene unfold with boredom, and Nova trying to support a weakened Lucius. 

"What-" Narcissa started. 

Once Nova helped Lucius up and he was able to support himself by leaning on the wall, Nova turned to Fenrir. "What the fuck was that!? Are you trying to kill me?" 

Bellatrix cackled loudly and spoke. "It was my idea, sweet child." She took a step towards Nova. 

"Bellatrix," Lucius's tired voice spoke, "why? What on earth possessed you to attack another Death Eater?" 

"First of all," Bellatrix strode towards Lucius, "I attacked no one." She smiled at Lucius, who looked furious at her. "It was a test, Lucius, calm down." 

"A test for what?" Nova asked, frustrated and annoyed. 

"Severus claimed you were a powerful witch," Voldemort spoke for the first time. "Bellatrix had the idea to test whether that was true." 

"You doubted him?" Lucius said, gaining some strength back and moving from the wall. Narcissa moved to her husband and put an arm around his waist in support. Lucius wrapped an arm around her shoulders. 

"I did not doubt him, Lucius," Voldemort said. "Severus and I have different ideas on what power looks like." 

"Did she pass?" Lucius asked, which earned him a dirty look from Nova. 

"We shall see." Voldemort smoothed out his robes. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to be." 

Voldemort disapparated on the spot with Fenrir in tow, leaving Bellatrix, Nova and the Malfoys alone. 

"Bellatrix, was that really necessary?" Lucius asked.

"Fine," Bellatrix took a seat at the table casually, "I'll admit it, I was bored." 

"You created a potentially dangerous situation because you were bored?" Nova asked incredulously.  

"What if Nova got hurt?" Lucius asked. Narcissa flinched beside him. 

"Well, she didn't," Bellatrix said nonchalantly. 

"Unbelievable," Nova muttered. She turned towards Lucius. "Are you OK?" 

"I'm fine," Lucius said. 

"Do you need anything?" Nova offered. 

"If he does," Narcissa chimed in, "I am perfectly capable of retrieving it for him." 

"Whatever," Nova mumbled as she strode out of the kitchen, done with this day. 

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