Chapter 18: A Favour

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Christmas was fast-approaching and things were eerily quiet in Malfoy Manor. Voldemort was suspiciously absent for the last couple of months, however Bellatrix insisted on not knowing why. Narcissa spent most weekends away, which left Nova and Lucius alone most of the time. Nova found herself in Lucius's bed most weekends, sneaking away in the morning. 

"Will you eat with us tonight?" Lucius asked, sprawled out on his bed, the soft sheets barely covering his naked body. 

Nova was dressing quickly. The sun was coming up and she wanted to get a few more hours of sleep in her room before the day began. 

"Narcissa comes home today," Nova explained. She had made a habit of skipping dinner in the dining room when Narcissa was home, which did not go unnoticed by Bellatrix. 

Lucius propped himself up on his elbow, the sheet falling from his chest. "Draco is also coming home. He'll want to see you." 

Nova sighed. "I don't want to talk about this right now." 

"You will come to dinner and talk to my son. Understood?" Lucius commanded. 

Nova nodded, buttoning up her blouse. "Alright," she agreed, "but you owe me." 

That night, Nova begrudgingly made her way down to dinner. She silently hoped Severus would be there, but doubted it. He had been busy at school, which meant Nova barely got to see him. She also had the feeling he was avoiding her, but was not sure if that was her own superstition.

Nova sat at her usual spot at the dining room table. 

"Draco," she acknowledged. "It's so nice to see you." 

Draco smiled at Nova. She noted the tired expression on his face, the dark circles forming under his eyes. 

Narcissa was fussing with Draco's hair. "You really need a haircut, dear." 

"Stop." He brushed her hand away. "It's fine, mother." 

"Leave the boy alone, Narcissa," Lucius drawled from Narcissa's other side. 

"Tell us, Draco," Bellatrix leaned over to Draco, "how is your special job going?" 

"It's fine," Draco mumbled. 

"Please, Bella," Narcissa said. "Let's not speak of this during dinner." She played with her napkin nervously, and Lucius reached out to grab her hand, settling her. "I'm just happy to have him home so we can be together, as a family." 

Nova looked down at her food, trying to ignore them. She knew it was a bad idea to come here, as seeing them together always intensified the guilt she felt. 

"Nova," Narcissa said, as if she only now realized Nova was sitting across from her, "it's been awhile, how are you?" 

"Fine," answered Nova, smiling weakly. She shoved a spoonful of food in her mouth to prevent her from having to continue the conversation. 

"Lucius has told me you have asked him to train you in the dark arts over the holidays," Narcissa said.

"What?" Nova said through a mouthful of bread, causing her to start coughing. Lucius kicked her under the table and she shot him a nasty look. "Yes, I have asked him. Things have been slow and I thought it was be useful for us to practice." 

"Lucius," Bellatrix chimed in, "you never told me you were interested in teaching." 

"This is less teaching than it is practicing, Bellatrix," Lucius said cooly. 

"I've seen Nova practice," Bellatrix went on. "I believe you could learn from her Lucius. Not the other way around." 

"Either way," Nova interrupted their debate, "it'll be good for both of us to practice." 

"Yes," Bellatrix agreed. "You wouldn't mind if I sit in on one of these... practices?" 

"You'll think nothing of them but a waste of time," Lucius shot back. 

"I believe I'll find them quite insightful, maybe even alluring." Bellatrix smirked. 

"I'm done," Draco said, standing up. 

"You've barely touched your food," Narcissa said, looking concerned. 

"I have things to do," Draco said, walking away from the table. 

Nova quickly followed, excusing herself from the table. She found Draco in his room and he eagerly let her in. She plopped herself on the edge of the bed.

"Are you alright, Draco?" she asked. "You seem... tired." 

"Of course I'm tired," Draco answered. "But I think I have a plan." Draco bounced on his feet in front of her, adrenaline keeping him going.

"I think you should sit. Maybe have some tea." 

"Screw that." Draco waved his hand, dismissing the idea. "I need your help." 

"Draco, I don't know if I'm the best person to help you," Nova said slowly. She was now realizing that she had come to care for the boy, and now she felt stuck between her dedication to the Order and helping a friend. 

"You don't even know what I'm going to ask," Draco pointed out. 

"OK, go on." 

"I think I might have a way of allowing the Death Eaters to enter Hogwarts," Draco said excitedly. 

"How?" Nova scooted closer to the edge of the bed, interest peeked. 

"With... it doesn't matter. If I could get you guys into the school, we could corner Dumbledore. I could kill him, Nova." Draco started pacing, deep in thought. "You guys could maybe distract the teachers or whoever might try and stop me. There's no way he can overpower all of us. Right?" 

"I'm not sure," Nova admitted. "Dumbledore is really powerful." 

"But this could work," Draco said, pausing to look at Nova, contemplating. "Don't you think?"

"Maybe," Nova said. "Draco.... just be careful. You don't know what you're up against." 

"And you do?" Draco sat beside Nova. 

"I have an idea. If you have any kind of plan, you need to make sure there aren't any holes." 

"How do I do that?" Draco asked, running a hand through his hair. "There's always something that can go wrong." 

"Draco," Nova uttered his name hesitantly, "what did you need my help with?" 

Draco sat upright, gazing at Nova. "If I can get Death Eaters into the school, will you come?" 

Nova looked at Draco, scanning his face to see if he was serious. "You want me to help you kill Dumbledore?" 

"Please Nova," Draco pleaded. "It would mean a lot to have a friend there. And You-Know- I mean, our Dark Lord would probably reward you." 

Nova doubted that she would get rewarded for doing anything, no matter how helpful it would be. 

"Why are you hesitating?" Draco asked suspiciously. "Don't you want him dead?" 

"Do you even want him dead, Draco?" 

"Of course I do," Draco said, unconvincingly. "Nova, you willingly joined us. I didn't have a choice. Why are you hesitating?" 

"I'm not," Nova said defensively. "I'm just not sure how I could help." 

"Just be there to support me. That's all I'm asking." 

"OK, Draco," Nova said. "Of course I'll be there for you." 

Draco sighed a breath of relief. "Thanks."  

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