day 6 - succulent

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The scorching Spanish sun beats down upon the challenge stage, but that's not what's making Bobby all hot and bothered. Or at least, not the main thing.

Nope, that would be one Lucas Koh, who's putting the rest of the boys to shame just by existing. The light layer of sweat on his skin highlights his muscular physique as he stands there, listening to the producer's instructions and waiting for the challenge to begin. Bobby's not sure he's ever been jealous of sweat before, but he certainly is now. What he wouldn't give to touch that skin...

The thought sends him spiralling into a flashback of the boys' early morning gym session. He's not usually one to spend much time at the gym, especially when there are so many other things he could be doing with his time (like make everyone coffee and breakfast), but he "begrudgingly" let Gary drag him there. He allowed the big man to believe that his persuasions finally worked, but he knew all along that he would be there this morning.

When one has an opportunity to watch a specimen as fine as Lucas Koh working out, one has to seize it.

And for the first time in his life, he understands why some people like to ogle other people while they work out. Because watching Lucas's muscles bulge as he curls weights, watching the beads of sweat form on his skin and drip down his body, listening to him grunt with exertion... It was honestly hotter than porn. Just as effective, too, and Bobby constantly had to stop to adjust himself or turn his back on the others while he took deep breaths and tried to think unsexy thoughts. Watching himself do pull-ups in the mirror should have done the trick, if it weren't for Lucas's reflection in the background. In the end, he had to close his eyes and think about Gary's hairy back instead.

When he wasn't getting absolutely turned the fuck on, though, it was fun. Or, well, besides being turned on, out of breath, and aching from his muscles being used in ways they weren't normally used. Lucas isn't just incredibly attractive, he's actually a genuinely nice guy. Instead of just working out silently and ignoring the others, he spent the time chatting and laughing with them.

Well, except with Bobby. For whatever reason, all of Bobby's jokes seemed to fall flat. Either he just wasn't on his game, or he was trying too hard — or, more likely, a bit of both.

Still, seeing the way he interacts with the other boys just makes Bobby want to work that much harder to make a good impression and get into his good graces. His laughter, when genuine, is the most delightful sound Bobby's ever heard, and he wants to be the cause of it. And he's convinced that if Lucas just gave him a chance, they could be a dynamic pairing. Like that meme where someone challenges you to name a more iconic duo, accompanied by a photo of Bobby and Lucas. People would see their chemistry from afar and ship them together, just like Jake and Rohan the year before.

When Lucas's sense of humour briefly peeks out from behind his mask of indifference, it's intriguing. A little goofy, a lot of dry. Bobby wants nothing more than to explore it further, to figure out exactly what's behind it. Which movies or books he needs to quote, what responses he needs to make to Lucas's remarks in order to start up a round of banter. He's jealous of the easy friendship Lucas and Henrik already seem to have slipped into, and he wants it for himself.

"Alright, let's get kissing!"

Hope's voice shakes him out of his reverie, and he snaps to attention. He should be excited about this challenge — there promises to be lots of snogging — but the only person he's really interested in locking lips with is Lucas, and that's unfortunately not an option.

The sign on the stage reads "Snogathon," and from the little he managed to hear before drifting into his daydreams, the point is for each person to kiss everyone of the opposite gender and for them to all be rated out of ten. The highest score wins, although he isn't sure what exactly the prize is supposed to be. Bragging rights?

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