day 12 - mud ain't ding

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"That's ding, that is," Jakub says. His nose wrinkles in disgust as he peeks into the kiddie pool on the challenge stage.

"You're still using it wrong, mate," Rahim replies. "Mud ain't ding."

On the contrary, Bobby thinks that mud is totally ding, and he can't wait to get himself slathered up in it. Just like the slime challenge the previous week, this is right up his alley. This one might even be better, because they get to read out each other's secrets.

Perhaps he should be concerned about what kind of dirt the producers have dug up on him, but when he racks his brain for anything he might want to remain hidden, he can't think of anything. His life is an open book, and he's always telling his own embarrassing stories to anyone who'll listen, so what could he possibly have to worry about? His biggest secret at the moment is one that he hasn't spoken of to anyone, so he knows there's no way it'll come out today.

The challenge begins, and before long there's a pile of torn-open envelopes on the platform floor as secrets get read out. There's mud everywhere, interspersed with puddles of sudsy water from the less daring contestants who value their own cleanliness over potentially spicy tidbits about their fellow islanders.

It's the most fun Bobby's had in days, and as expected, his secrets are good for a laugh but not much more. On his own turns, he doesn't hesitate to rip open the envelopes and read them aloud, then take a trip down the slide and into the glorious mud. For a brief moment, he wishes Henrik had survived the dumping, knowing that the two of them would have had a blast together.

It's also a nice break from the previous couple days, which were a little strained after the fallout from Operation Nope and the Ministry of Sound party. Seeing everyone laughing and having fun is a weight off his shoulders, and it's nice to be able to have some fun with the whole group. The girls have mostly gotten back on good terms with each other, but there's still a bit of lingering tension that has him uneasy, so he's happy for the distraction.

Tess sidles up beside him, freshly washed by Jakub, who's one of the few who hasn't gone in the mud yet. He wraps a muddy arm around her shoulders, and his heart warms at the sound of her laughter. Despite the fact that it was his idea for her to seduce Noah, she never got mad at him for it, and it's something he really appreciates about her. She's the one who made the move, and she owned up to it rather than pointing the finger at him or treating him as if he was the one who ruined her relationship with Lucas. He still blames himself for that, but he's grateful that he hasn't lost her friendship because of it. That would have been a huge punch to the gut.

"Any luck with Lucas?" he asks quietly, and she shakes her head. He's a mix of sadness for her and relief for himself, but he knows as well as anyone that things can change in an instant. Lucas would be crazy not to give Tess another chance. He hasn't seemed to click with Chelsea or Marisol, and Tess is the best of the bunch. Why should one kiss make that big of a difference? It's Love Island. You've gotta take the chances that are given to you or risk getting dumped.

They watch as Noah climbs the ladder to the slide while Hope cheers him on. Apparently, he's just read one of her secrets.

"I overheard something interesting this morning," Tess says, her voice low and intended only for him.


She nods and waits for Noah to slide into the mud before continuing. "Priya and Noah were talking on the roof terrace. I heard my name."

Bobby turns to her with raised eyebrows. "You think he's interested?"

Her shoulders roll in a shrug beneath his arms, but the look on her face is one of restrained excitement. With Lucas off the table and the next recoupling most likely being boys' choice, this is an interesting development, and an excellent one for her prospects in the villa. Bobby would be happy to pick her again, but he didn't push her in Noah's direction for nothing, either. And her only other option is Jakub, whom she's already proclaimed herself not to be interested in.

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