epilogue - ready to go

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Bobby stretches out on the bed, revelling in the luxurious hotel bed sheets. The kind that they only use in their most expensive suites, not the cheap rooms that he's used to booking. He could get used to a life like this... Although, it might be harder to get up early for work each day.

Especially on days when a certain someone else is in the bed with him.

A dreamy smile comes over his face and he lets out a happy sigh as he remembers that night after the reunion, when Lucas came to his room. He never could have imagined things would turn out the way they did, but he wouldn't change it for the world. Everything that happened in the villa and everything that came out at the reunion was worth it for the way Lucas burst into his hotel room and set his whole world on fire.

They stayed up most of the night, spending the hours talking, making out, and groping each other. It felt like they were making up for lost time - no more fighting feelings, no more pining away. A whole month's worth of dating compressed into a few short hours.

But as magical as it was, it had to end, and sooner than either of them wanted to. Bobby's flight back to Glasgow was booked for that morning, and as tempted as he was to cancel it and stay in the warmth of Lucas's arms, he also really fucking missed his family and friends back home.

So, he tore himself away with promises to visit as soon and as often as he can.

Making good on those promises has been harder than expected, though, with every move either of them makes showing up in the gossip rags. Lucas isn't ready to go public with their relationship, and Bobby is more than happy to give him the time he needs; he's just happy that there's a relationship to begin with. He settled for telling his family and closest friends (after all, he was far too happy when he came home to be able to keep it secret from those who knew him best), and they both try to plan their trips to London for when the other will be there. Book the same hotel, sneak into each other's room when nobody is looking.

It's worked surprisingly well, so far.

There are always the questions from reporters and radio hosts, asking if they've made up or whether it's awkward to see each other at the other islanders' promotional events. Bobby always laughs and brushes it off, saying nothing's changed; Lucas's typical response is "No comment."

Events are a little harder to navigate, since they have to stay away from each other or risk making it entirely too obvious that their relationship has done a complete one-eighty, but they make it work by staying across the room from one another as much as possible. Doesn't stop them from making eyes at each other and sneaking into bathrooms and cupboards for hot makeout sessions and blowjobs, though. It's a wonder they haven't been caught, really.

"Are you ready to-" Lucas stops short as he walks out of the bathroom, all dressed up in a light blue linen shirt and dark trousers. "For fuck's sake, Bobby, we don't have time for this!"

"Time for what?" Bobby asks innocently, and Lucas's eyes darken as they rake down Bobby's naked body.

"This." He waves his hand in Bobby's direction. "I can't be late for my own launch party."

"Ehh, the party doesn't start till you get there, right?"

Lucas sighs and turns his wrist to check his watch, and Bobby can almost see the gears shifting in his brain as he calculates how much time they have. He takes his cock in hand, gently stroking it and watching as Lucas follows the movement with his eyes.

"Please, Lucas?" He pouts, inwardly cheering as he starts to see Lucas's willpower crumble.

Lucas opens his mouth to speak, then shuts it again as he steels his gaze. "You know what? No."

Bobby, meet LucasWhere stories live. Discover now