day 19 - size matters

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Bobby can't really believe what he's about to do. Baking a cake in the shape of his nob when he was younger was funny, but sculpting a life-size replica out of clay on an internationally-televised show is a whole 'nother story.

It might not be so bad if it weren't for the guy standing only a few feet away at the workstation next to his. His imagination is already on overload just from seeing Lucas in shorts and through the frosted glass of the shower door; how is he going to cope once he gets a look at the copy?

He sighs.

A perfectly good baking session had been interrupted when one of the girls got the text about the challenge, 'Size Matters' — hashtag growersorshowers, hashtag BDE. The girls went first, making sculptures of what they thought their partners' dicks looked like, and now it's the boys' turn. Once they're finished, each couple's dicks will be revealed to see whose are the most alike.

Bobby already knows he's unlikely to win the challenge, so he may as well have fun with it. He's currently coupled up with Hope, and they've been firmly in the friend zone since day dot — zero chance of her knowing what his dick looks like, unless she's got a voyeuristic streak and peeked in on him in the shower. Not likely.

If nothing else, it'll be a great opportunity to make dick jokes, and nobody will be able to tell him off.

"Hey, Gary," Bobby says with a smirk. "Years of hands-on research have prepared you for this. Should be easy for you."

"Funny, McKenzie. Production should've given you blue clay, since that's the colour of your balls."

"At least I've still got mine."

A buzzer sounds, indicating it's time for them to begin, and Bobby digs his hands into the mound of clay in front of him. He figures the balls are a good enough place to start, so he portions out two smaller chunks and rolls them into spheres.


His name coming from his left sends a flutter through him, and he glances over to see Lucas looking at his clay with a smirk on his face.


"Mind lending me some of your clay? I'm not sure I have enough."

Bobby's jaw drops. They've been given what he thinks should be more than sufficient for the average penis size, so if Lucas is asking for more...

"Uh, what?" He coughs a little. "I, um, I need it."

The smirk on Lucas's face grows bigger, and Bobby narrows his eyes suspiciously. A few days earlier, and he would have suspected that Lucas was taking a legitimate shot at him, but now that they've declared themselves as friends... Could it be? Lucas is finally joking around with him?

"You're pulling my third leg, right? You don't actually need it, do you?"

Lucas chuckles as he shrugs and looks back down at his clay, appraising the amount. "Maybe. We'll just have to see."

A warm feeling washes over Bobby. So this is what it's like to be on the receiving end of Lucas's playful side. For two weeks, he's watched Lucas joking around with the others, while he sat on the sidelines, so to speak.

He feels like he's made it. Won the lottery. Gotten the big promotion.

Who knew that such a small thing could make him feel so good?

"Well, if you do need extra, I'm sure Gary has more than he needs."

"I heard that," Gary says, his brow furrowed as he rolls his clay into a cylindrical shape. "I've already promised my extra to Noah."

Bobby, meet LucasWhere stories live. Discover now