day 14 - gone girls

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Bobby wakes to the rumbling of his stomach. He groans and flips over on the mattress, spreading his limbs out across the bed.

Wait. The bed is empty. And his stomach is still growling, but he doesn't feel it...

Because it's not his stomach. It's... a car engine?

He rolls back over and sits up in bed, looking around the room. It's still dark — the heavy curtains over the windows do an excellent job of blocking out the morning light before the fluorescents get turned on — but his eyes quickly adjust. In each of the other beds, he can only make out one sleeping lump — although Jakub is so large that he's not sure he'd be able to see Hope beside him anyway.

Where are the girls? And how did they all manage to sneak out of bed without waking anyone up?

He throws his legs over the side of the bed and winces as his feet touch something cold and damp. He jerks them back and lowers them somewhere else.

Just a swimsuit... he hopes. Although he's not sure who's leaving their wet swimsuits around, nor why it's beside his bed.

If it's meant to be some sort of prank, it's not a very good one. He could do way better.

He tiptoes past it and along the row of beds to the soundtrack of Noah's snores. His eyes can't help but drift over towards Lucas's bed, where the man is cuddled up with his pillow. It's cute, really. He licks his lips as he wonders what it would be like to take the place of that pillow — to be in Lucas's arms, the little spoon to his big spoon, to have his dick pressed up against—

Bobby barely stifles a groan as he jerks his gaze away. That's a fantasy to indulge in another time.

He finally makes it to the bedroom door and sneaks out, carefully closing it until he hears it click shut. The rumbling noise is even louder now, and he's curious when he sees that the front door is slightly ajar. Pushing it open, he blinks as he steps out into the sunlight.

"Go, go, go!"

He shields a hand over his eyes just in time to see Tess jumping into a Jeep and slamming the door shut behind her, and then it takes off down the drive and out of the villa gates. As he follows it with his eyes, he sees another Jeep ahead of it, no doubt carrying more of the girls.

Huh. What's that all about?

When he returns to the bedroom, the lights have been turned on and the rest of the guys are either burrowed under their covers to block the brightness, or are gazing about the room with dazed expressions on their faces.

Lucas is lying on his back with his arm behind his head, looking relaxed and oh-so-hot. His gaze skims over Bobby's body, coming to rest on his cupcake-print boxers. When his eyes raise again to meet Bobby's, his expression turns to his usual disdain. Bobby shifts his weight from one foot to the other, suddenly feeling exposed and insecure. Are his pants dirty? Is there something on his face?

"Well?" Lucas asks, raising an eyebrow.

"The girls are gone," Bobby finally says, and he receives a few surprised blinks in response.

"Gone?" Gary sits up. "Whaddaya mean, gone?"

He shrugs. "They're gone."

"Gone where?"

"I dunno."

"Well, how do you know they're gone? Maybe they're just hiding somewhere. Playing a prank or somethin'."

"Nope, they're gone, as in, gone gone. Got in a couple o' Jeeps and left the villa."

That gets the attention of the others, as their heads pop out from under the covers. Lucas hops out of bed and brushes past him as he leaves the room, and Bobby can hear his footsteps on the stairs.

Bobby, meet LucasWhere stories live. Discover now