day 25 - bollocks

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Turns out, Bobby doesn't have to worry about Henrik. The happy-go-lucky blonde man seems to only have eyes for Tess, which isn't all that surprising, and sparks are flying between the two of them. It makes Bobby wonder what could have been if she and Lucas hadn't latched onto each other when the two men first arrived as bombshells, but he's happy for her all the same. They look good together, and Tess deserves someone who can make her smile and laugh.

Still, Henrik's presence does mean that Lucas has another, closer friend in the villa, and when the two of them aren't with their respective romantic interests, they can usually be found together. It's a little frustrating, but Bobby does his best to hide his annoyance at having yet another person to contend with in the bid for Lucas's attention, throwing a smile on his face and cracking jokes as he usually does.

He can't stay annoyed at Henrik for long, though; the man is sunshine on legs, and it's impossible not to like him. Some of Bobby's jokes go over his head, but he's another high-energy character in the villa, and the two of them bounce off each other well. If the price for Lucas's company is spending time with Henrik as well, then it's one Bobby doesn't mind paying.

The three of them, along with Elisa and Tess, are hanging out on the beanbags one morning when Tess receives a text. She yells out to the others, and they quickly gather around to hear the news.

"Islanders, it's time to put your relationships to the test. This afternoon, you will all face the Lie Detector challenge. Each of you will answer questions from your partner whilst you are attached to a lie detector. #thebestpolicy."

A wave of shock ripples through the group of islanders. They've faced challenges before — the Mr. and Mrs. challenge, Couple Trouble — but this? This is a chance to really know what their partners are thinking and feeling, and getting some answers to burning questions.

Bobby shifts in his beanbag and glances over at Tess, who has a thoughtful expression on her face. He's pretty sure he's got nothing to worry about from her, but you never know. He's just going to ask softball questions himself, so he hopes she does the same. They're just friends, after all — they have nothing to gain or lose by asking the tough questions.

The others are a mix of worry and excitement, however. For them, there's a lot on the line. Even a question answered honestly could come back as a lie; it's happened before on the show.

Further instructions are received telling the islanders to spread out around the villa and submit their questions by text. As they get up from the beanbags, Bobby throws an arm around Tess's shoulders.

"Take it easy on me, aye? We're this close to the end, I wanna leave here with my dignity intact."

She laughs softly as she wraps her own arm around his waist. "I'm sure you have nothing to worry about."

He hopes so, but there's something in her tone that leaves him with the smallest hint of doubt. He almost opens his mouth to ask about it, but he rethinks it. He's probably just reading too much into things, and he doesn't want her to start questioning whether there's actually something he's worried about. Best just to leave it and trust that she's got his back.

They separate and go their different ways to submit their questions. Bobby takes a seat on one of the kitchen stools and quickly taps out a few easy questions for her to be asked. Does she think his jokes are funny, is she looking forward to hanging out together on the outside, would she introduce him to her parents. That sort of thing.

When it's time to take the tests, the islanders gather in the lounge. There's a nervous energy in the room as everyone waits for their turn, not knowing what types of questions to expect and worrying about what will happen if the test says that they're lying about anything.

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