1 (Harley's pov)

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(Harleys pov)

UGH!! Can he be any more stupid? I'm Harley Wilder, I know badass name right? Oh, and you are probably wondering who this "he" is. This dumbass, his name is Bowen Gael the dumbest bully in the school of Dawn Gate high school. Well Bowen always sits next to me just to annoy me. I sit on my chair with my feet up on the desk. "ooooh yeeeeaaaah." I roll my eyes. "Dipshits here. Can he be any louder?" I sigh in disappointment. "what did you say, bitch." he spoke walking to me. I removed my legs from my desk. I stood up. "maybe if you listened, I wouldn't have to repeat myself." I can hear everyone "ooing" but his goons are hyping him up. I just cross my arms. "meet me at the football field after school." he said in anger. "ok, bet." I spoke nonchalant. I sit back down as the teacher comes in the room. "morning class." She said with a smile. I smile as she began the class. As school ended, I walk to the football field as I see a crowd of people. I groan in annoyance from so much people. I walk in the crowd as they cheered. The crowd gather around in a circle as Bowen and I are in the middle. I cringed from seeing him shirtless. I scoffed. "put on a shirt, no put on a bra I can see your man boobs." I paused waiting for him listen to my command. "no." I chuckle. "oh, so you think your mR. bAdDiE without a shirt, you think you are SO TOUGH huh?" I joked as I roll my eyes in annoyance. He poses ready to fight. he throws the first punch. I swerved. Then I thought we are on school grounds so if I punch him I might get in trouble. I will make him miss every time until he's tired. I nod to that idea. He tried to beat me up, but not even a bruise was made. "your failing." I joked as I pretend to yawn. He tightens his fists in anger he swung his last punch as he missed me. "What's the matter, boner, to weak to throw a punch?" I joked. He swung harder. I quickly slid to the right as he punch to the left side. He slipped and fell on his face. I start to laugh. "Ok we are done here I got to go, bai bai." I waved to everyone that was in shock. I left to go home as I was on my way there. I see the store my dad told me to go to. I walked in and bought what he needed me to buy. I walk out with two bags. Sooner or later. I arrived at my house I walked through the door quietly going into the kitchen to put away the milk and his beer. I was about to go upstairs but then I heard my name. "Harley, can you get me a beer?" "Yes, dad." I sigh from being at the top of the stairs and run back down, I grab a beer walking into the living room with him sitting on the chair watching TV. I handed him the beer bottle from the fridge. "thanks honey." He smiled. I nod as I take a look at the Livingroom. I gasp from the room being a pigsty. I roll my eyes. He looks at me and yells "IF YOU WANT TO CLEAN IT UP! CLEAN IT UP! STOP STARING AT IT!" I give him a dirty look. "Why can't you? You can get off your lazy butt and clean it yourself." "Give me that look again?" He dared me. He stood up to give me a reminder that he is taller than me. He looked me dead in the eyes. "This is why your mom left us." He scoffed, grabbing my arm with a tight grip. I tug myself out of his grasp. "us?" "You think she left us?" I said annoyed. He walked closer to me with his beer bottle. "NO! SHE LEFT YOU!" He was hurt at first but then began to fume. He smashed the bottle on the wall he grabbed one large shard of the glass. He grabbed my arm with exposed skin. He cut through my skin deep enough to make a scar. He carved the letter 's' for Samantha which is my mother's name. I bite my bottom lip from the pain. He finished cutting. "I miss her. You look so much like her." He answered by placing his hand on my breast. I smack his hand away. He insisted by moving his hand lower and lower. My skin crawled. "You're the women of the family now so you're doing the cleaning." He smiled. I hold my injured arm about to cry. "NO! IT'S YOUR MESS YOU CLEAN IT UP! YOUR SUCH A FUCKING LAZY SACK OF SHIT!" I yelled. I yank my arm out of his grasp and run into my room. I close the door and lock it. I lean my back against the door and start to cry. I slide down the door and bury my face into my knees. I sob for a while. It was dark outside. I grab a beer I took from dad and have stored in my cooler. I walk to the window as I see the stars. I open the window and step out on the roof. I sit on the roof staring at the sky. My eyes begin to water as a tear rolls down my face "when will this stop?" I asked as I sob into my hands. "I want it to end." I spoke. "Why did she leave me? Why did she leave with that guy?" I stared at the stars for a good 5 minutes and went back inside. I sigh as I plopped on my bed. I turn my head looking at the window. I see a weird light beam. I lower my eyebrows in confusion. I was too tired to get up and get a closer look. I laid on my bed staring at this beam trying to find out what it was. The beam slowly disappeared as I went to sleep.

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