12 (Ava's pov)

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(Ava's pov)

I finish what I was doing in the bathroom and head out back into the lunch room. As I walk there a shirtless man seething in anger smashed his shoulder into mine. DAMN did that fucking hurt. I rub my shoulder a small 'ow' leaving my mouth. The male stopped. My breath hitched, oh no did I make him angrier? I panicked in my head, I snap out of my swirl of thoughts when I hear the male. "Go cry about it." He scoffed. I roll my eyes as I sigh in relief, GOOD he is not going to hurt me I sigh. The male begins to walk away again as I run in the lunch to find Harley and tell what happened. I head to the table the Harley was sitting, eating her sandwich. I smile knowing that's she was ok. She turned around with a smile. "Oh hey!" She greeted me with a wave as I did the same. I sit by her, I look at her. "What's wrong?" I asked noticing that her hair in the back was a little messy. She looks at me with an annoyed look, I figured that someone was bullied and she save them. "There was this shirtless guy bulling this girl and she was yelling for yelp, so I help her." She explained. "Ok what else happened?" I asked dragging out the 'ok'. She looks at me in the eyes. "I called him stupid so he tried to scare me, which clearly didn't work and now he....... kinda...... wants to..... fight me at the mall." She cautiously said rubbing her nape nervously. My eyes widen. "What the fuck Harley? Why do you do this?" I quietly scolded her. She looks at me with sad eyes. "He bullied that ruby girl for not doing his homework so I had to do something and I just wanted another friend." She spoke quietly, fiddling with her fingernails. Oh I see, Harley wants a new friend, I cooed in my head. "Now what are we going to do?" I asked. "Not WE, me." She stated, pointing at herself. "Ok, what are YOU going to do?" I corrected myself. She shrugged. "I guess I am just gonna fight him. I am not a pussy. Plus we are not in school grounds so I can fight back." She rambled. I huffed. "I am coming with you." I stated. "No you're not. You cant fight." She answered. "Yeah I can." I fought back, clearly offended. She huffed. "No you can't Ava." She said, rolling her eyes. "YES. I. CAN." I stated gritting my teeth. She look at me with shock not seeing this side of me before. She slapped her thighs giving up arguing with me. "Ugh fine, but bring Liam just in case." She huffed. I smiled from winning the argument. I processed looking back at her. "Wha-what? why Liam?" I asked, making her chuckle. "He knows the basic fighting moves, he said his new friends taught him." She explained. I nod. I thought about one of Liam's friends, Henry. OH MAI GAWD was he hot, he's got the hair, the perfect face, and he is ripped. Kissing those lips would be a dream. I would love to have him as my boyfriend. But I can only dream because a guy that good looking would not want to date someone like me. I snap out of it. We finished lunch and went back to our classes. After school, we came home as Harley and I got ready for the gym so Harley can prepare because she hasn't fought anyone since Boner, so she will be rusty. She liked to box, she says 'it gets her thoughts out of her head' I seen her box she looks like a pro. She knows when to punch, dodge, and kick. We walk in the gym and Harley heads to a punching bag, preparing herself to punch the bag. She took off her hoodie with her wearing a sports bra, my eyes widen. "YOU HAVE ABBS?!" I yelled, making her flinch. "JESUS! DUDE you scare the shit out of me!" She yelled back. "With many months of us being friends and you living in my house, YOU NEVER TOLD ME?!" She chuckled, looking down at her abbs. "I guess I never told you huh?" She chuckled. "i GuEsS i NeVeR tOlD yOu HuH." I mock, making her laugh. "Are you jealous?" She asked with a smirk. I rolled my eyes playfully. "Of course I AM JEALOUS! look at you." I say, pushing her in front of the mirrored wall. She looks at me through the mirror, clueless of what I am talking about. "Ok, your face as natural beauty, your arms are perfect, your hair is perfect, your body's perfect, you can fight, and don't get me started on Liam, the most popular boy in school and girls drool over him, he as so many options but yet he choose YOU!" I ramble as I point out the the things I named. I look back at Harley she looked touched. She hugs me. "Thank you, I needed that." She releases the hug as she realized something. She turns me around to face the mirror. "And says the person who looks like a FUCKING BARBIE!" She yelled back in an angered, making me smile. "Plus Liam's friend...um what's his name?" She asked herself, trying to think. "Henry." I cut in. She snapped her finger as it clicked in her head. "Ah yes, henry." She spoke. "Well, he has girls drooling over him, he has so many options as well but he checks only you out, and don't forget Liam always complains about how much Henry talks about you." Omg I was too oblivious to notice. "For real? that's why he was really sweet and caring." I asked, as I can feel my face get warm while my memories swarm my head quickly, good thing Harley didn't notice. "Do you know what he says about me?" I asked, wanting to know. "Uhm, I think everyday he says that you look beautiful even on the days when you say you look gross on your period." I cover my blushing face with my hands. Harley gasped. "Oh my god, you like Henry?" She squealed teasingly. "Wha-n-no I don't." I asked looking at her in the mirror, I could tell that I was flustered. "He loves you and you love him." She teased giving me a big grin. My eyes widened. "Who-wha-I did not say that." I stumble through my words. "I don't know....." She sang teasingly. "You're stuttering." She teased with a smirk. I blush again. She gasped. "And your blushing too." She teased again, poking my shoulder. I huffed. "I hate you." I joke making her laugh and head back to the punching bag. I look at her in the mirror then back at myself. Maybe she is right? I thought resting my head on my palm as I sit down on the bench. I don't think I like him like that. 

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