11 (Harley's pov)

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(Harley's pov)

I wake up from hearing a truck squeaking and and thuds from outside. I groan from it being to early. I look at the window, squinting my eyes to see Ava already standing by the window she looked excited. I furrow my eyebrows. "What's going on?" I asked my voice being groggy from just waking up. She flinched then looked back at me with a smile. "We have new neighbors." My confused look stayed as I got up and look out the window. I look to see a girl about our age carrying a box. I squint my eyes, trying to find out what the box said that the figure was holding. Until she got close enough. 'Oh, her name is ruby? she has a cute name' I thought as I glace back at the girls face. The girl had circle glasses. She was small and slim. Well, a little smaller then me and Ava. She had what seemed like long light brown hair in messy braids as she was wearing a black beret with a large pastel blue sweater giving her sweater paws with a black skirt and knee high socks. (A/a: I couldn't find a picture) "Aw she looks cute, she looks like a baby." Ava cooed. I shook my head and giggle at what she said. "We can make new friends." I said. Ava looked at me with a big smile. "Oh yes!" She yelled in excitement. 

*one week later*

I look at the clock being today was school. It was 6:02. Her eyes widened. "We should get ready for school." Ava spoke as she ran to her closet. I laugh as she rummages through her closet. I take my clothes of black ripped skinny jeans and a dark grey t-shirt with a beige hoddie and change into them, in the bathroom of course. It was chilly outside so Marisa would scold us for not wearing jackets. I chuckle shaking my head at the thought of her scolding us the last time. She said that we will get a cold, its nice that she cares. I snap back to reality and I brush my hair and teeth then walk out passing Ava wearing a black sweater crop top with light blue jeans. "Looks good." I said. She smiled. "Thanks." She answered, with a smirk. I give her a suspicious  look as I tilt my head. "why did you smirk like that?" I asked. She glared at me. I gasped. I know that look, that's the 'I secretly like someone' look. She likes someone? I chuckle and she looks at me with confusion. "What?" She laughed. "You like someone don't you?" I asked squinting my eyes suspiciously. She blushed. My eyes widen. "YOU DO?! what's his name?" I asked poking her shoulder. She smiled, then she stopped like she snapped out her thoughts. "No I don't." she pouted. She is refusing? I ask myself. I shrugged it off, I will figure it out. As I head downstairs and greet Marisa. I see her sitting in the kitchen stool reading a magazine. She lays the the magazine on the counter and turns to me. "Good morning honey. Did you sleep well?" She spoke sweetly. I smiled knowing that she cared. I nod. A smile painted on her lips. She walk up to me kissing my forehead. "That's good. Do you mind having cereal today?" She asked. "No, I don't mind at all." I say as I shake my head side to side. I walk to the pantry and grab a box of cereal then the kitchen grabbing a spoon and a bowl. I hear foot steps walking into the kitchen. I move my attention from my bowl to the door way. Liam walks in. "Morin." He greeted with a smile walking in the kitchen. "Morning baby." Marisa sang as she kissed Liam's head. Then Ava coming down after. "Morning everyone." She said. "Morning Avatar." I joked grinning smugly. Marisa and Liam started laughing. She glared at me playfully as I laugh. "That's a good one." Liam giggled. Ava gave him a look that could kill. "Don't even try to call me that." She growled. He stopped laughing, So did I. "Woah there tiger, sit down and breathe." I say leading her to the seat next to me. She smiled once again. Marisa kissed Ava's head. "Morning sweetheart." She smiled, still chuckling from the name that I given her. After that we all got ready for school and went out the door. Ava and I had a little time so we decided to walk while Liam drove. As Ava and I walked there was a comfortable silence. But Ava broke it. "Since its almost your birthday, like almost a week away, what would you like to have?" She asked. I look up thinking for a little then meeting Ava's eyes again. "For my parents to be sane." I sighed, she frowned. "I'm sorry but that not exactly what I meant." She answered. I give and 'oh' face letting her finish. "I meant, would you like a cake and gifts?" She said dragging the option that she said. "Yeah. I'd like that." I answered with a gummy smile. She nodded. We arrive to school a couple minutes early going into class, Miss Tina's class. We sit down waiting for the teacher to come. After the class came lunch time, Ava and I sit on the table in the back where no one can bother us. Ava excused to used the bathroom. She left the lunch room, I turn back to my sandwich taking a bite out of it. Then I hear yelling, a male yelling. I roll my eyes not paying attention thinking that it was just a break up or a useless argument. I take another bite of my sandwich not caring of what was going on behind me. Until the room got quite, then I hear a female yelling, like yelling for help. I huff in annoyance putting my sandwich down. I turn around see a shirtless male choking a small girl lifting her in the air. I lick the mayo off the corner of my lips and wipe my hands and stand up putting my hands in my pockets. I walk up to the male with an emotionless look. The male was seething in anger. "I asked you if you can do my homework. And you say NO." He grits his teeth. I roll my eyes. I understand what's going on now. The stupid jock wants the nerd to do his homework. I huff loudly getting their attention. The male turns to me with an angry look. "What the fuck do you want?" He asked. I keep my emotionless face because these type of things are boring. "For you to do your own homework ya brainless moron." I joked making his friends laugh. "You got roasted by a girl." One of them laughed. "Duh bitch, thank you captain obvious." I sarcastically say rolling my eyes as he kept quite. The shirtless male let go of the girl as the girl thanked me and ran away. The male went to his group of dumb friends. "Yeah, and I can handle this. I will make her fear me." He smirked to his friends. I cross my arms over my chest, rolling my eyes hearing everything. He turns around with a smirk. "Do you know who you are talking to?" He asked with a smirk. But I seriously didn't even notice that he goes to this school. "No, I don't." I said bluntly. He chuckled. "Well you should." He said as he slams me against the wall. I rub my head. "Ow, you fucking asshole." I spoke, in anger. He smirked making me feel uncomfortable. He leaned to my ear. "Watch your mouth princess, and the names Max." He whispers smugly, that made me cringe. "Ok, and do you know who I am?" I asked. He looked at me trying to figure it out himself, but fail. He shook his head. I gave him a smug look, now is my chance to introduce myself the RIGHT WAY. "Well......" I drag out. I grabbed one of his wrists. "I'm Harley Wilder." I say as I spun around for my favorite fight move, I call it the wild wind. I spun around twisting his arm, now I was facing his back. I push him to the wall putting his hand behind his back. "Nice to fucking meet ya." I said. He didnt move. Was he scared? "What are you scare? You not doing anything back." I answered. One of his friends froze. Max breaks free of my grip turns around and puts his hand around my throat. I'm not scared. I still kept my emotionless face. "I'm not scared." I answered. He tightens the grip. "Fear me now?" He asked. "Clearly I still don't." I answered. He's mad now. He let me go. "Met me at the mall parking lot." He demanded. "Are you asking me out?" I joked, waving my hand in front of my face like a fan girl. Max blushed as his friends laughed. "Tomorrow after school." He stated. "Ok bet, maxi pad." I stated back, making him blush again looking away. "Moron." I mumbled to myself rolling my eyes, as Max left with his friends. I sit back down at my seat and smile I can finish my sandwich in peace.

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