Chapter 10

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Two days.

Lacey enjoyed two days of peace without Lucy bothering her. It had also been two days since her cousin Joey had toted his mate and her best friend, Raina, off to his room. She wasn't sure when, or if, he brought her out to eat but guessed if he did, it must have been the middle of the night.

Joey's parents were thrilled because he finally had his mate, and the pack had their future Luna.

Lacey was a bit sad because it meant when she left, she would be leaving Raina behind. However, she also wished her friend all the happiness, and they were close enough to visit.

"You're still here? Why?" A snide voice asked.

Lacey had been sitting peacefully on the back porch, waiting for Jordon to come down after his shower and enjoying the early morning breeze. It was a peace now shattered beyond repair.

"Good morning, Lucy. I would say it's good to see you, but we both know that would be a lie," Lacey managed to calmly say as she continued to push the swing back and forth. Inside she was franticly panicking, her wolf growling. Please go away. Please go away.

"Especially since you can't 'see' me!" Lucy snickered. "Well, I'm sure Jordon will be more than happy to see me."

Lacey growled internally. Lucy just isn't going to go away, is she? Of course not. She enjoys raining on my parade too much... Wait. What did she just say about Jordon being happy to see her?

Yes, that's exactly what she had said, that Jordon would be happy to see her.

Oh, no, I don't think so.

Lacey sat up straight, a low growl leaving her as her wolf prowled her mind snapping and snarling, begging to be let out. Her anger was now a raging fire at the audacity of this girl. Taking a deep breath, Lacey asked, "Really, and what makes you think that?"

"Because he told me to meet him this morning. Of course, I'm sure he meant after you left, but I'm tired of hiding our relationship from you so here I am," Lucy said with a giggle.

"Wow, you really have no sense in your head, do you?" Raina said from behind Lacey.

Lacey's anger had her so distracted she hadn't even heard Raina walk out on the porch.

"It's only the truth. And who are you to question me anyway?" Lucy asked angrily.

Raina laughed. "I'm the girl who is so going to enjoy watching my best friend beat the snot out of you and, if you're lucky, some sense into you!"

"A blind girl, beat the snot out of me?" Lucy let out a fake laugh. "I don't think so. You see, I want Jordon, and I'm going to have him one way or another. It won't be hard since I know he likes me. He hangs out with me on the field when she isn't around. I mean, I know he doesn't want to flaunt me in front of her, but..."

Lacey snarled as she came up off the swing and let her wolf lose. She'd heard enough and was so sickened by Lucy's lies. "You are a worthless piece of wolf poop, Lucy! I don't know what makes think you have the right to say these things, but I'm tired of it, and you. I have put up with you out of respect for my uncle, but I've taken enough!"

Slowly, Lacey stalked her way across the porch and down the steps toward where Lucy stood on the sidewalk. She caught a whiff of her mate and knew he had joined a few other wolves she scented. However, she didn't let herself be distracted so Lucy could take advantage, instead, she kept her gaze on her enemy.

"I may be a blind human, Lucy, but I'm not a blind wolf. I also had two very good teachers who taught me to stand up and fight for myself, so I am not the door mat you think I am," Lacey snarled. Making a 'come at me' gesture, she added, "So, bring it, if you think you have what it takes."

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