No such thing as luck

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It was early morning, but already warm as Kira sat in a park in Bangkok as she thought about what to do today. She was on a tour of Asia and was currently in Thailand, her last stop before heading back home to England. Pushing thoughts of going home aside, she tilted her head towards the sky and closed her eyes. She didn't want to go home yet; she wasn't ready to. The reason for her trip was to search for something, something she hadn't yet found.

As a cloud cast a shadow over her, Kira opened her eyes and looked down at her phone. Scrolling through social media, she looked out for any events involving the Thai actors she followed. Most of her trip had been led by attending shows with celebrities and Idols she admired. In fact, she was in Thailand at the moment because she had gotten tickets for day one of the KinnPorsche World Tour. The show was tomorrow, and she couldn't wait to see the actors from her current favourite drama in person.

Suddenly a new tweet appeared. Jeff Satur was holding a concert tonight and they were giving away one free ticket. Kira sat up and read the tweet a couple of times to make sure she was reading it right. To get a chance of winning the ticket, fans needed to comment where they are from, and whichever fan was from the furthest away would win. Quickly she entered. Her heart was racing as she thought that she might have a chance. How many fans could be from further away than the UK and be in Bangkok for tonight?

It was an anxious wait for the time limit to pass and the winner to be announced. As she waited, Kira quickly looked up the location of the venue where the concert was being held. Funnily enough, it wasn't too far from where she was, just the other side of the river. She went back onto Twitter and frantically began refreshing the page as she waited.

Suddenly a reply from the host appeared saying that the winners had been contacted and thanking everyone for participating. Kira's heart sank as she read it. Of course, it was silly of her to think she would win. At least she would get to see him from a distance tomorrow. She was about to close the app when she saw that someone had sent her a private message. Clicking on it she saw that it was from the host of the competition.

No way...

As she read the message, Kira almost didn't believe it. She had won the ticket. She squealed in excitement before biting her lip and glancing around to see if anyone had heard her. To claim the ticket, she had to get to the venue as quickly as possible and show proof of where she was from. Luckily, she had already looked up where it was, so she quickly made her way to the nearest underground station and got on a train.

Approaching the venue, she hesitated. Kira's Thai wasn't very good past the basics, so she hoped that someone here spoke at least a little English. At least she had already told them that she was from England. Opening the message, she had received regarding her winning the ticket, she entered the club and looked around for a staff member. Since they were expecting her, someone approached her and after showing her passport she was given the ticket. After thanking them, she left, with the ticket securely in her bag and a big smile on her face.

Kira returned later that day and joined the line of excited girls waiting to enter. It was a small concert of only around 250 fans, which made her feel even luckier to have gotten a ticket. As they went in and sat down in the rows of seats, seeing how close the stage was, how close Jeff would be, made her heart race. She couldn't wait for the show to start.

He stepped on stage looking like a rock star. His hair was still long, perhaps a little longer than it had been in the tv drama, for which Kira was glad as she was partial to his hair being on the long side. He was wearing leather pants with a white top and a black blazer. The first song was Warm Heart from the OST for The Tuxedo. Hearing his voice live for the first time she thought she had died and gone to heaven, but when he smiled brightly at the audience, she felt faint. It shouldn't have been possible for him to be even more handsome in person, not that she was complaining.

When Jeff walked up to the divider between the fans and the stage, he was so close. He leaned over and commented on how close the fans were and joked that he wanted to jump over so that he could be even closer. He smiled at the audience with his signature gummy smile, giving his fans no doubt of how happy he was to see them.

After singing another song where he encouraged everyone to sing along, Jeff ended up sitting on the divider so that he was even closer to the audience. Someone shouted out for him to speak in English, so he did a little introduction. Hearing him speak in her native language made Kira realise how long it had been since she last had a proper conversation with someone. Travelling alone, she had mostly spent time by herself and those she had spoken to hadn't spoken fluent English. She wondered if that was why it felt so nice to hear him talk like this.

Halfway through he took off his jacket and Kira's jaw dropped. Now he was wearing just a white tank top which had two thin black straps across his shoulder and collarbone. She couldn't help but stare at his arms. As he ran a hand through his hair, showing off exactly how defined his muscles were, she had to check that she wasn't drooling. There was no way that this was real, she had to be dreaming.

Kira had spoken too soon. The next song Jeff sang wasn't one that she recognised, so she guessed that it was a cover. It had a rock vibe, fitting the rockstar image he was sporting that night. He stood on the divider, towering over them and now she could clearly see his whole outfit in all its glory. She found herself headbanging along to the song. It suited him so well and she hoped he wrote his own song with this kind of vibe sometime in the future.

The whole concert was amazing and may have even been the highlight of her trip.

It was over too soon, and Jeff said goodbye and was gone leaving Kira feeling as though the past couple of hours had really been just a dream. As fans started leaving the venue, she got out her phone to look up the best way to get back to where she was staying. Only her phone wouldn't turn on. She tried not to panic as she searched her bag for her portable charger, but she couldn't find it. After emptying out her bag she suddenly remembered that she had left it on charge in her room. Her luck had run out for the day.

Hiding her face in her hands, Kira tried not to cry. She should still be able to find her way back to her hotel as she had a fairly good sense of direction, but the thought of travelling around the city this late at night was an unsettling one. Taking a few minutes to pull herself together and make a plan, she didn't notice someone approaching her until they spoke. At the sound of someone speaking in English, she looked up only to stare in shock when she saw who had spoken.

"Are you okay?"

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