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After intense investigation, the feed had in fact been the problem, they'd started switching the horses diet and with constant care, he was back to his normal self. Making a few calls to some of the ranches nearby to cement her case, they had in fact had a few problems with the feed but shrugged it off since it was new. After lengthy meetings they had all decided to sue.

The following days in the week were uneventful, even Zina was calm which made Shelby worry a tiny bit- maybe a lot. No vet would want to treat Zina especially if she bit anyone, things would escalate quickly and definitely not in her favor.

Fiona was also keeping her distance, Shelby didn't know how to feel about that, not in the mood to compartmentalize she accepted her new- old but new boring fate. No greater feeling like the familiarity of home.

Bran and Tracy were in a honeymoon phase; Shelby found it disgustingly sweet, the amount of PDA she had to witness everyday made her eyes bleed. Tracy told her it would feel better if she had someone. They always laughed at that but Shelby kept it as a painful reminder of what happens when you let people too close.

Shelby ended her day as usual after her last zoom meeting for hopefully the year, backpack slung over her shoulder and a tired sigh. After double checking the stables and the very depressed Zina in her stall, she called it a day.

"Well hello, if it isn't my boss."

Shelby shielded her eyes from the brightness of Fiona's smile. "If it isn't a pest."

"If you'd let me. I'd pester you everyday."

"Your lines never end which is really cute but very annoying."

"I'm playing all my cards right so you can say yes to dinner sometime when I get the courage to ask."

The notion made Shelby's smile freeze on her lips. Fiona was obviously a charmer, she looked every bit like a devious rake, her ever present smirk showed she got what she wanted when she wanted it. She was everything Shelby needed to avoid. Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice? Wasn't going to happen.

"Look" The smaller woman fidgeted in her spot. "You're very nice and I can indulge in several of your flirting strategies but-"

"I haven't asked yet." Fiona interrupted her. "Keep your rejection in check till I ask you."

"I'm still going to say no."

"You won't" The smile on Fiona's face screamed confidence.

"If you say so" Shelby almost felt sorry for the future. "Don't say I didn't warn you."

"I consider myself warned." Fiona tipped an imaginary hat in her direction. "I just need to sharpen my skills."

"My edges are neither blunt nor sharp to aid you in your quest."

"Let me be the judge of that."

"You can barely read a room." Shelby teased lightly. "Do whatever you want, I'm going home."

"Can i-"


Fiona's laugh got caught in the wind, prodding and testing her patience till she shut her door blocking out the alluring sound.


Bran walked about with a smile on his face, eager to throw himself into his work even though Shelby had been the one to drag him to work; the constant daydreaming though could pass for an occupational Hazard. Shelby swore if he was burning alive he wouldn't care.

"Bran!" Shelby called out for the thousandth time, exasperated beyond her limit she pinched him.

"Ow!" Bran yelped rubbing his arm. "What was that for?"

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