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Cw: edds a witch, Tom and tord are his familiars, talks about love potion ethics, tord is violent, he and Tom are mates, toms got mild weight issues but it's just because he's thicc and short.

  Edd sighs "I've tried everything and he just won't notice me" he says as the witch collapses on the couch.
  Tord, his wolf familiar snarls "you haven't tried everything" the wolf says and picks up a scroll he had gotten for the witch.
  Edd looked at the scroll. "a love potion?"
  Tom jumps from his spot on the end table to look at the scroll. "tord, edd shouldn't use a potion to force Matt to love him!" The bunny familiar says.
  Edd puts the scroll down "Tom's right, I can't make him love me, but if I could just  talk to him, I just-"
  Tom nuzzles edd affectionately "what about a courage potion to give you the courage to approach him?" He suggests
  Edd nods "yeah but it takes a while to brew and I'll need you two to go get ingredients together' he says and picks up Tom placing him on tords back. Edd waves his hand and uses magic to write what he needed before giving it to Tom. Once edd pets both of them, the signal that he was ready for them to go tord walks out of the house to go get ingredients.
  "You know edd isn't the kind of witch to make someone fall in love with him using a potion" Tom sighs as he rests on tords back.
  "Yeah, but it would make Matt love edd, I mean, it worked with you" tord jokes
  Tom shakes his head, he knew tord didn't use a love potion on him since they were both familiars and potions didn't work on them. "but you know it's not right for him to use a love potion" Tom says and rests his chin on tords head.
  The couple continued to debate the ethics of love potions until they arrived at the ingredient shop. It was disguised as a normal house and tord climbed in through the doggy door being careful not to hit Tom on the head as he came through the door. Tom then jumped off tords back and shifted into his human form, stretching as he did. Tom liked to look as human as he could when In this form, he essentially looked like a normal human but with no eyes and bunny ears and a tail. Tord's human form was more demonic, he had his wolf ears and tail but also had his demon wings stretched out behind him and his horns.
  Tom tore the list carefully in half and started looking around the shop for the ingredients edd sent them to get. Tord looked for the ingredients as well. It wasn't long before the shopkeeper approached Tom, "hey cutie, I see you're alone today, I thought your little wolfy boytoy didn't let you go out on your own" he says looking at Tom.
  Tord knocked over several shelves to get to the isle Tom was in and he went to bite the shopkeep in the neck, his face shifting into a wolf head to get a better bite on his neck. Tom thrusted a hand towards tord freezing him in his place. "I think it's best you give us what we need for free and that YOU don't talk to me if you don't have to because next time you flirt with me, I'm not going to stop him" Tom says. He then gives the shopkeeper the list and goes to tord, petting him and cuddling him to calm down the demon.
  The shopkeep gathers the items on the list and picks up the shelves tord had knocked over before giving Tom the items in a bag. Tom waits for the shopkeep yo be out of sight before unfreezing tord. "take me home I need to rest" Tom says and tord turns into a wolf, letting tom turn into a bunny and lay on tords back as tord went home. It took a lot of energy from Tom to perform magic on another demon, even more energy for him to use the spell on tord since tord was his mate.

The next day when edd came home he immediately searched for his familiars finding the pair snuggling in their human forms in their room. "Tom you need to come to the coffee shop with me!" Edd says excitedly.
Tom blushed bright red when edd bursted in "o-okay w-why"
"Matt likes bunnies! So I'm gonna bring you in bunny form to the coffee shop order a hot chocolate and wait and when he gets there he'll talk to me because of how cute you are! It's the perfect plan!"
"Alright, we'll be ready in two minutes" tord says wrapping an arm around Tom protectively.
"Oh, I just need Tom for this" edd says.
Tord growls "I go where he goes, remember, we're mates" tord says
Edd sighs "stupid magic" he grumbles "Matt's allergic to dogs so I can't bring you tord" edd says. He tries to think of a solution. Tom and tord we're mates which meant that tord and Tom couldn't be too far from each of for too long.  If they were their connection to each other would start to fade and they would get weaker the longer they were without the other. "I'll leave you in the car while I'm inside with Tom" edd says.

Tord glared at edd as he went into the coffee shop. In addition to their powers being linked tord was rather overprotective of Tom and even if their powers weren't linked tord wouldn't like being away from his lover. Tord growls and starts barking when edd hands tom to Matt. Tord jumps out the open window and barks loudly at the glass.
Edd looks back at tord and motions for him to return to the car. Tord barks more and starts pawing at the glass, he then Noticed Tom was shaking as Matt tried to feed him a carrot. Tord growls and shifts into his demon form, going all out, wings, horns, and everything. He steps through the wall and grabs Tom from Matt, Tom immediately jumps in tords chest and nuzzles up to tord.
"Edd! A demon just stole your bunny!" Matt says.
"Better that I take him then you killing him" tord growls "rabbits eating carrots is a dangerous myth, he can't properly digest a whole carrot, besides you shouldn't try to feed someone else's pet"
Tom jumps up to tord's shoulder and nuzzles his neck to calm him down.
"Tord relax, Matt didn't mean to hurt Tom-" edd interrupts
Tord turns to edd, his eyes bursting into flames "TOM CAN'T EAT CARROT WHEN IN RABBIT FORM, JUST LIKE I CANT EAT CHOCOLATE WHEN IM A DOG!" Tord growls "HE COULD'VE KILLED MY MATE!"  Tom whispers something to tord about leaving that the others don't hear "you're right bunbun, let's go" tord says and walks out the wall with Tom.

"It's okay baby, edd would've stopped him and if he did go to far I would've turned human or said something" Tom reassured tord "I wasn't actually in danger sweetheart" Tom kissed tord's cheek "besides, I can still digest a little bit of a carrot, he wouldn't have actually killed me"
"I know baby, I just don't like when others get handsy with you or try and make you do stuff, and it's hard because you're such a cute little bunbun everyone wants to pick you up and feed you"
"Yeah" Tom sighs"that's how I got fat"
"You are not fat Thomas," tord says
Tom shakes his head "you just like that all the weight goes to my thighs"
"Thomas, you're a familiar and your animal basis is a bunny, you're meant to have thick thighs because you've got strong legs... Have you been reading those human magazines again? You're not human so you're not supposed to look like them"
Tom looks down "I know, it's just...I want to blend in-"
Tord takes toms hands "you don't need to blend in, and you're never going to blend in because wherever you go I'll be right there with you, and I sure as shit don't blend in, I'm 8 feet tall for fucks sake. (shhhh it's a demon height don't worry about it)
Tom pulls tord's face down and kisses him "I love you baby" he says.
Tord kisses toms face all over but stops when the door opens.
"Oh, you're here..." Edd says looking at tord and Tom.
"Tord wanted us to go back to hell but you're our friend so I convinced him to stay here, besides I could tell you'd be talking to Matt for a bit, so how'd it go?"
"I explained to him your whole demon marriage thing" edd says as he grabs a cola and sits on the chair in the living room, Tom pushes tors into the couch and sits on his lap so he can't leave. "Matt genuinely didn't know about the carrots being harmful, he says he's sorry about that"
Tord growls "he better be"
"He thinks your bond is romantic, how you draw power from each other"
Tom snuggles up close to tord smiling "I told you he meant no harm"
Edd sighs "I shouldn't have let him hold Tom, I'm sorry I was just so distracted by him..." edd looks at tord "I know you don't like letting other people touch Tom and I should've asked Tom if he would be okay with Matt holding him beforehand..."
"It's fine, I can take care of myself, if I really didn't want him touching me I would've peed on him," Edd looks nervous at Tom's joke so Tom clarifies "nah, I would've hid up your sleeve or something"
Tord wraps his arms around Tom and holds him close "you could always bite him" tord says.
Tom snuggles up to Tord "you know I don't bite people "
"You've bitten me before"
"You're not a person, and you asked me to bite you" 

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