isn't public school just great/s

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Cw: omegaverse, animal ears, attempted unwanted claiming, sexism towards omegas, attempted murder but the guy deserves it

"the homebuilding class is in room 174, that's in the next hallway over." The teacher said looking at the bunny who just walked in. The bunny ignored him and took the last open seat, between a wolf and a bear. "you're in the wrong classroom." The teacher said walking over to the bunny. "with big ears like those how the hell don't you hear me"
The bunny flattens his ears against his head "I heard you, you're just wrong, I'm supposed to be in this class."
The teacher grabs his wrist and growls "no you're not, this isn't a class for fragile little bunnies, this is woodshop"
"Check the attendance sheet for a Thomas Rosewood and you'll find that I'm on the roster" the bunny says. The teacher drags Tom over to his desk and grabbed the roster looking it over and growling. He throws the bunny to the ground "I guess you're right, but I'm keeping my eyes on you, all you bunnies want is sex and I won't let you distract my students"
Tom scampers back to his seat and rubs his wrist were the teacher grabbed him. "I think it's about time they let an omega take this class" the bear next to him whispers. Tom smiles at the brown haired boy as the teacher calls attendance.

"I'm going to marry him edd" tord said confidently
"You haven't even talked to him" edd says
"I will talk to him... Eventually, but I'm telling you edd, I'm going to marry that bunny"
"I doubt he's interested in marriage tord, especially since he doesn't seem interested in being an omega" edd rolls his eyes
"who's not interested in being an omega?" Matt asks joining them as they walk into the cafeteria and get in the lunch line together.
"Thomas rosewood, the omega of my dreams... He's in our shop class" tord says
Matt looks at tord "oh, him." he says
Tord turns to matt "tell me everything you know about him, I need to get him to love me" tord says.
"Pssssh good luck, Tom isn't interested in even thinking about dating"
"I don't care, I'll find my way to his heart, you'll see, I'm gonna marry him."
Once they got their food tord sat down at the table Tom was sitting at, which was currently empty except for the bunny. "um... Hi i-i noticed you in shop class..." Tord says
Tom crosses his arms "really? I didn't think you'd notice me seeing as you were staring right at me the whole time" Tom comments.
Tord blushes "I was just surprised to see an omega in the class, especially one so... Bold" tord says.
Tom doesn't respond.
"I-i like that about you, it's a good thing. I like that you're not gonna just do whatever your told, you have a mind of your own..... Not that I don't expect omegas to be able to think for themselves, they just typically don't go against the grain..." Tord rambles.
"If you're trying to get in my pants it's not gonna work." Tom states
Tord blushes "what- no! I-i'm not trying to- what gave you the impression- why would you think that!?" Tord asks
Tom looks at tord "well, first off you spent the entire class drooling over me, and I could see you staring at my ass as I walked out of class. secondly you're an alpha, it's what you do, you see an omega who's independent and try to make them yours"
"Well... I'm not like other alphas... And even if we were to date i-i wouldn't try to make you less independent.... You can be yourself and be independent in a relationship..."
Tom sighs "and you're proving my point, you want to get with me."
"Well yeah- but it's not that I see you as a wild omega that I have to tame and put in his place I just see you as... you... A person who is attractive and that I'd like to get to know..."

Edd was the only one who didn't constantly offer Tom help with his woodshop assignments. Tord was a bit persistent about asking if tom needed help with anything, but most of the other alpha's would just try and take over his projects. They saw him having any sort of problem as a cry for help, and god forbid he ask one of them to show him how to do something. This made edd Tom's go to person for asking for assistance, thought edd would occasionally suggest Tom get help from tord. Tom knew tord liked him, but he was unsure if tord would be a good alpha

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