yeah and we kinda got banned from ever going there again

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Cw: tord commits arson multiple times, tord tries to kill someone for flirting with Tom, edd and Eduardo commit arson as well... Tom also commits arson... for legal reasons I do not condone arson
Tord kills someone for sexual harassment

The first grocery store they got banned from was Tom's fault,  he filled a shopping cart with pineapples and ran out of the store to free his brethren. They banned Tom from grocery shopping after that.

The next one was Matt's fault after he flirted with all the cashier's and none of them wanted to check them out, instead of banning Matt from coming shopping altogether edd simply banned Matt from flirting with the cashiers, hitting him any time he tried.

Tord burned down the third grocery store after a manager insulted his accent, edd, Matt, and tom remain unaware of this, they think one of the ovens in the bakery caused the fire, fortunately the cops also believed it to be the fault of an oven malfunction.

The fourth grocery store ran out of coke and edd vowed to never shop there again because of it. They also got kicked out because edd tore the soda isle apart looking for the coke. He literally took all the other sodas off the shelves to look behind them for coke, and they already had plenty at home.

The fifth grocery store banned them after tord got into a fist fight with another customer. In tord's defense they were being pretty racist.

The sixth one banned them after tord drew a gun on the manager, this was after a verbal altercation about items being marked up and then put on sale for a price higher than the original price before it got marked up. The manager quickly devolved into insults about the Norwegians heritage

The seventh one had a cleaning robot that Matt got convinced was evil and tried to attack it with a bat.

The eighth store also ended up getting burnt down by tord, this time after the store stopped carrying his favorite hentai magazine because it was "weird and gross" according to a manager. The others remain unaware of tords history of arson

By the ninth grocery store they brought Tom with them again hoping he'd keep tord in check and knowing he wouldn't have to free the pineapples since red leader had outlawed the sale of pineapple and granted them citizenship. Tord strangled another customer for commenting on Tom's ass when the eyeless male bent over to get something off the shelf. It was then that tord was the one banned from grocery shopping.

The tenth store sold only Pepsi and edd enlisted Eduardo's help in burning the store down for this soft drink related atrocity.

The eleventh store only had diet Smirnoff and Tom burned the store down by making moltov cocktails out of the diet Smirnoff.  Tom was banned from grocery shopping once again, at this point in time tord confesses to having burnt down at least one grocery store

At the twelfth store Edd and Matt took too long shopping because the couple kept distracting each other, they ended up letting tom go grocery shopping with them since he was at least better than tord. They got kicked out after Matt wandered off and ended up in the back area, they found him after he drove a forklift through a wall

The thirteenth grocery store burned down after getting struck by lightning,  it had nothing to do with them, just plain bad luck.

The fourteeth store sold mostly bulk items so they had to take tord with them since he's The Strong One™ it was only a month before tord killed a customer for smacking Tom's ass while he was grabbing Smirnoff from the bottom shelf.

For the fifteenth store they went to an open market, hoping the change of pace would break the chain of getting kicked out of stores since you can't exactly get kicked out of an open space. They stopped going there after edd accidentally insulted a beekeeper's bees and they attacked him, they remembered him the following week and stung him again so they stopped going

Edd groans "were out of fooooooood" he wines
Tom opens the fridge, "stop being drama-" Tom stops when he sees that the fridge is completely empty. "Alright, I'll see how far away the nearest grocery store we haven't been banned from is" Tom sighs and looks up the stores near them. "closest one is an hour away" 
Edd looks at the blizzard outside "I'm not driving in that" he says
Tom sighs "I'm not driving in that either and Matt's license is suspended... Tord could drive..." Tom suggests.
"My car's in the shop and neither of you will let me borrow your cars" tord reminds them.
"Takeout it is" Tom says

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