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[Bc]cw: Greek gods, tords a son of Aphrodite and ares

Tord stared down at the mortal world and sighed to himself, he was almost 180 years old and he was failing as a son of Aphrodite since he hadn't dated even one being. On the other hand, his father couldn't be more proud of how many arguments and fights tord had started. Tord decided to go watch some nymphs, but found himself focused on one particular nymph, they were far more violent than the other nymphs, they even had a wooden spear that was made with a branch that fell off a tree in a storm. He was a male nymph which already made him rare but whenever he saw someone heading towards the forest with an axe he would threaten them and even fight them. Today a small group was going to get wood most of them had tried before and gotten stopped by this nymph. One clearly took the lead and when Tom came at them they swung their axe at the boy. Without thinking tord manifests himself and stops the guys axe, not wanting harm to befall the nymph. The group runs away and the nymph stares up at tord in awe.
"Thank you sir..." The nymph says, bowing as he was clearly in the presence of a god.
Tord looks down at Tom "please don't be intimidated, I don't want you jumping off a cliff or getting turned into a tree or flower just to avoid me" he says
Tom nods "okay"
"I want to get to know you, and I want to love you, but please, if you're not comfortable let me know and I promise on the river Styx that I'll leave you alone"
Tom nods "okay" he says

"What happened to you tord? Environmental activism? You've been so busy 'fighting for the environment' why do they even call it fighting if there's no bloodshed?" Ares yelled at his son.
"It's because he's in love" Aphrodite says with a wistful sigh. "He's doing it for the nymph he  loves, which I still need to meet" she says and pokes tord.
"But he's falling behind on sparking conflict!"
Tord looks at his father "no, I've actually started more conflicts now, they're just all about environmental activism" tord says.
Tord opens the cloud to show Ares Tom, who was currently leading an army of surprisingly well armed nymphs against a village that wanted to cut down the forest. Ares wipes a tear from his eye after watching the fight unfold "that was the most violent I've ever seen nymphs, not even I have been able to make them start a fight..." He pulls tord into a big hug "I'm so proud of you!"

"How's this?" Aphrodite asks looking to tord for approval on the form she was going to meet Tom in.
"Fine I guess..." Tord says, they had been at it for hours trying to make Aphrodite look unattractive, nothing worked. Aphrodite took her boyfriend's hand and pulled him away from the war he was watching "you guys ready to go?" Tord asks his parents nod and they decend to earth where tom was waiting with his parents.
Tom looked up at tord and his mom stared at Tom "you didn't tell me you were dating a god... Oh Thomas..." His mom sighs and hugs her son whispering to him "I'm sure we can ask Demeter to help you out of this situation, maybe she can turn you into a new kind of flower until he moves on"
Tom pulls away "mom, I love him, and he promised he'd leave me alone if I wanted him to"
Tord nods "I promised on the river Styx that if he ever wants me to go away and never bother him again I would do as he wished"
Aphrodite sighs "so romantic, true love is when you'd forgo your own happiness for theirs"
She then noticed Tom's father. "I remember you! You prayed at my temple every day for years to get that flower nymph to fall in love with you! Is this her?" Aphrodite asks, pointing to Tom's mother.
His father nods "yes, and thank you for all your help, the flowers you told me to give her are still growing healthy and as you can see we had a beautiful son together"
Ares looks at Tom "I saw you leading an army of nymphs earlier, you guys were firce, that's the most violent I've seen nymphs get in a long time." He says, "I'm starting to get behind this whole war for the environment thing..." He continued to talk about fighting strategy and giving Tom advice on how to use the element of surprise to his advantage.

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